We use them to give you the best experience. If you continue using our website, we’ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on this website. Oil and gas professionals working on offshore platforms draw good wages as their work not only demands a long time spent away from the coast but is also physically and mentally challenging. Drilling consultants supervise the daily operations of the rig and provide advice and consultation on several drilling issues. They coordinate with onshore supervisors and convey orders to on-site personnel to optimise rig production. They are also responsible for ordering new supplies and equipment, as well as maintaining the required number of workers on the platform at any point in time. OIMs manage all the offshore activities on the platform and ensure that production is performed according to rules and regulations. They are trained to handle emergencies and are responsible for the health, safety and wellbeing of the workers on board. They also oversee the work and training of all platform personnel, as well as ensure the timely maintenance and repair of equipment.
While many of the offshore oil rig jobs are physical in nature, many of the rig companies go out of their way to make sure your time spent onboard is an enjoyable one. For instance employees may find themselves living in accommodation wings that meet 4 or 5 star hotel standards — despite the fact that you a living in the middle of the ocean. While you are on board the company will usually meet all food, board and laundry expenses, along with travel and transfer costs. There are a large number of offshore oil rig jobs that are available. The range of employment opportunities include:. Aboard an oil rig every piece of lifting equipment has a color code on it — this is an indication that it was tested as safe to use on the last lifting equipment check. Only items with the current color code on them should be used. If working aboard an offshore rig, remove batteries from electrical equipment before checking in you luggage. If you are to be transported by helicopter your mobile phone may be taken from you before you board the helicopter.
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A number of people working aboard oil rigs work are in support roles such as catering crew and doctors, etc. The following is an outline of what may be expected for doctors or medics. Because of the physical size of rigs, many of these types of roles are sole charged and one must be able to make do with the facilities and resources at end. In the case of doctors or medics based aboard oil rigs, it may be necessary to treat patients suffering from a huge variety of ailments and illnesses. Issues can arise as a lot of the workers aboard oil rig installations may speak foreign languages, so it is critical for the medical personnel to be able to quickly and effectively diagnose the problem. Generally medical staff will work one of two shifts, either day or night. Their role can often also include checking and maintaining stocks of emergency supplies, testing and verifying drinking water supplies are clean, as well as inspecting both raw and cooked foods from the kitchen. They are also often responsible for conducting weekly first aid seminars for all workers aboard the oil rig. Claire Calkin has been working in the oil rig employment industry for over 4 years and during this time has provided countless people with advice and assistance on how to best get jobs in the oil industry.
Company name
Airswift is one of the most well-connected companies to contractors in the energy industry. The oil industry provides some of the most lucrative salaries in the world, which can vary depending on experience level, location and role specifics. Because of the dangerous nature of the work, the areas with the highest paying oil rig jobs are located on offshore drilling platforms. If you work as a basic crewman, your beginning pay range could be significantly higher than that of someone who is land based. Because your skills need to be used where production is in demand, it is possible to travel around the world to fill oil rig jobs with high paying possibilities. Airswift can help you with the extensive travel logistics and other relocation services necessary to work in foreign countries. Airswift is dedicated to advancing the careers of its contractors. We make sure your resume is presented in a professional manner and that your experience stands out to employers.
Motley Fool Returns
Camaraderie, the physical challenge and a big paycheck may entice you to work on an oil rig. Gas and oil companies pay onshore and offshore oil rig workers very well, commensurate with education and experience. The education levels of workers on oil rigs range from less than high school to engineering degrees. Most jobs are found on behemoth ocean rigs weighing up to , tons. A large workforce is needed to run these so-called floating cities. Opportunities are best for those willing to work in remote areas for weeks or months at a time. Working with geophysicists, they devise new, cost-effective ways of tapping natural resources while mitigating harm to the environment. Geological and petroleum technicians help with related tasks such as analyzing core samples and taking temperature and pressure readings of boreholes and wells. Service unit operators keep oil flowing from deep wells to storage tanks. They adjust pipes and remove obstructions that interfere with the flow. Derrick operators set up and maintain the vertical structures that rig drilling equipment. Other duties include checking the engines that pump drilling fluid into the ground to create mud that’s then removed at high speed to make a hole for extracting oil. Rotary drill operators are specialists in the safe handling of drills and recommended drill speeds. Roustabouts assemble oil field equipment and promptly make repairs to ensure uninterrupted production around the clock.
We can help: We will get your Oil Industry career off to the best possible start! You may find important information on the best employers, the worst employers and who is looking for workers at the moment. Most of the jobs just take a high school diploma, and experience is the most important. Asked in Popcorn What can you make from oil?
Equipment Operators
An oil rig is a manned platform used for land or off-shore drilling. An oil rig worker can denote an employee on either platform, responsible for a large number of duties associated with safely drilling for oil.
The schedule for most workers consists of working 14 to 21 consecutive days before being given time off. As well as earning a wage, most offshore oil rig workers are provided food and board and some travel expenses. Find out how to become an oil rig worker. This article was co-authored iil our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Together, they cited information from 7 references. Categories: Occupations. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Hw No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy.
Home Categories Work World Occupations. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. This article has overviews, and 20 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. Learn more Ensure you meet the minimum qualifications for employment on almost any oil rig.
They are the following: You are over 18 years of age. You are very physically fit. You should also be mentally fit. You will be required to pass a physical exam before being hired. You are willing and able to take on the unusual schedule of an oil rig worker. You should be open to working nights, and you should be able to work many days on end without weekend breaks.
Gain experience as a mechanic. Many oil rig workers have mechanical jobs. You can also seek training as an electrician, cook, medic and engineer to become a valued part of the auxiliary oil rig staff. Get in touch with friends, family members or acquaintances oli are oil rig workers.
If you do not know anyone, ask. This contact will help you to understand the work and give you valuable contacts in the industry. If you can’t find any connections to current oil rig workers, go online and look at industry chat boards.
You may find important iol on the best employers, the worst employers and who is looking for workers at the moment. Make sure not to take all Internet chat seriously, as many people use it for a way to complain or argue. Research the oil industry.
Take a community college course, an online course or simply go to the library and check out ,akes about oil drilling, oil workers and the newest information on the changes and regulations in the petroleum industry. You should be able to prove to employers that you have interest in the petroleum industry and that you are willing to do the work needed to be a valuable employee.
You will not seem like such a novice if you are well versed in important topics. You can also quiz your oil rig contacts on topics or employers you should research. Search for job postings online and in newspapers. Go online to large job search sites like Monster, CareerBuilder and Indeed to find current listings for oil rig workers. Uow those listings to ensure you have all the qualifications to makee in on an oil rig. Sometimes people working hard labor jobs on oil rigs are called «roustabouts.
Search for job postings in newspapers and through contacts in the oil industry. Look for entry-level positions with on the job training. Create a resume and cover letter. List all the jobs you’ve had that have skills that might translate onto an oil rig. Highlight any jobs where you have worked as a laborer, worked as a mechanic or electrician. A cover letter is traditionally a half page to a full page of text describing in prose why your experience makes you a good choice for the job.
A resume should be approximately 1 page, but it can be up to 2 pages. Focus on your qualifications and any praise you have received for being a fast learner, team worker or dependable employee. Target your resume to the job that you are applying for, and change it slightly for each application. Apply for jobs. Try to apply for a number of jobs at the same time, because you will face more competition with entry level work. This is essential for work in the UK, Netherlands or Denmark.
Look for these training courses at marine safety academies or schools. Many seaside colleges in the UK and the United States have a marine safety school. Go to twicprogram. You will need to visit a TWIC enrollment facility to apply.
It depends on the employer. Some how oil rig makes money may be more than happy to hire ex-convicts, while others may decide against it do to the amount of safety and trust inherent in the work. Keep oip mind, also, that the conditions of your parole may prevent you from seeking employment on an offshore rig or onshore rig outside a certain distance of your home. Yes No. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1. Can a pipe fitter with 3 years of experience in a refinery do oil rig work? You’re very likely to find a rig job with that amount of experience, especially since it was already gained within the oil industry.
Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. How can I become an oil rig hoa if I am studying marine engineering? Marine engineers are highly valued in the petroleum industry, as they’re the ones who are actually responsible for designing and overseeing the construction of offshore rigs. I am a petrochemical engineering graduate. Could I get a job on an oil rig? Very possibly—you’re certainly in the right field. However, there’s always a chance that certain employers will want someone who has accumulated a few years of on-the-job experience rather than hiring someone fresh out of school.
Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2. Is it possible to get a job as an oil rig worker without formal training? Hw, but you would have to start momey in the ranks, probably as a roustabout. Not Helpful 4 Helpful There isn’t really a course you can take in schools for rigging. Most of the jobs just take a high school diploma, and experience is the most important.
If I am a drill rig operator in the mining industry, can I apply for a job on an oil rig? Yes, but drill rigs are a bit different from oil rigs.
So you can apply, but you may not be automatically accepted. Not Helpful 7 Helpful I want to apply for offshore work, but I have trouble finding a proper way. Can you guide me? There are so many job listings online. Just look up offshore rigging jobs, and you shouldn’t have an trouble. Contact some employers for your position of interest and see if any are interested. Not Helpful 10 Helpful Yes, since rig bosses or whoever owns them usually require an educated man. Not Helpful 9 Helpful Yes, a woman can become an oil rig worker.
In most democratic countries, women are not barred from doing any job because of their sex. Unanswered Questions. How and where can I find a job as okl cook on an oil rig? Answer this question Flag as
The worlds fastest roughnecks
Offshore drilling is a simple concept, but a very difficult business. With much of the easily accessible on-shore oil and gas reserves already under development, energy companies have increasingly looked offshore to replenish their reserves and fulfill bow production needs. Although there is ample oil and gas waiting below the seabed, it is not so easy to access. Operating under the water is a bit like operating in space — it is hostile to man and machine and requires specialized equipment and know-how.
Scientists and Engineers
The offshore drilling industry is a multi-billion dollar per year enterprise. Before jumping into rit sector, learn how these companies make their money in Oil And Gas Industry Primer. Mnoey of the Business It took more than 30 years for people to begin looking for oil somewhere other than beneath dry land.
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