The decade was all about money, introducing the world to the yuppie and crack, along with film characters like Tony Montana and Gordon Gekko, who seemed to coin slogans about money, wealth, capitalism, and, most memorable of all, greedevery other time they spoke. We were supposed to be reintroduced to Mr. Tom Cruise was always starring as a cocky entrepreneurial type on the hunt a quick way to get rich in the likes of Cocktail, Risky Business, and Rain Man. It was a decade when you could inherit millions merely if you swore off booze, smoking, and other vices Easy Moneyand when the whims of the wealthy and powerful could instantly transform rich to poor, and vice versa, a la Trading Places. Maybe I was learning something about money, and how the business world works. Gimme some money! Bad salesmen make me sick.
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Hilly Kristal : I don’t know yet. Lisa Kristal : You seen this? Hilly Kristal : No. Lisa Kristal : «The great thing about this band, Television, is that they have absolutely n musical or socially redeeming characteristics and they know it. Hilly Kristal : Who wrote that? Lisa Kristal : Josh Feigenbaum. Hilly Kristal : Who’s he? Lisa Kristal : He’s important. So, people are gonna read this and they’re gonna start talking. And bands are gonna start showing up wanting to play here. And all bands have fans, even the shitty ones. And everybody wants to be in a band and have fans, so new bands are gonna start up and show up.
The Best Money Quotes
You have no idea what’s about to happen here. Merv Ferguson : The pay sucks. The music sucks.
Dennis Reynolds : Oh, you better have a good reason for getting us outta bed this early, jerk. Frank Reynolds : I got a goddamn great reason for gettin’ you out of bed. This bar is hemorrhaging money! Charlie Kelly : You gotta spend money to make money. Economics , dude. Frank Reynolds : You’re bleeding us to death! Especially with that company credit card you got. Mac : Uh, that is for business expenses, Frank. Everything on there is a business expense. Dennis Reynolds : Right over here, Slick. Don’t wanna have hair down there, know what I’m sayin’?
Part 2. Money Quotes That Are…
Money is not a goal. Tony Gaskins. What I want is my morning back. Learn to build. Naval Ravikant.
So many people of wealth understand much more about making and saving money than about using and enjoying it. That man who seeks to learn more of his craft shall be richly rewarded. Alek Wek. Elon Musk Tesla. There is an excellent quotw between giving society what it wants and making money, and almost no correlation between the desire to make money and how much money one makes. Woodrow Wilson. But I am responsible with my Money. Li Ka Shing Hong Kong investor and philanthropist.
Below are a collection of Money Quotations from popular movies, uttered by some fictional characters in well-known scenes. Included here are also quotes about the movies from actors, directors, producers and reviewers. Chance the Gardener : Yes. In the garden, growth has it seasons.
First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer. Chance the Gardener : Yes! There will be growth in the spring! They print more every day. Only a dummy would give this up for something as common money. Are you a dummy? I was poor and no one liked me. I deal in human fulfillment. I grossed over eight thousand dollars in one night. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.
I just want my half. I want a warm bath and a cup of tea. Mad Money Who had it before you and what did they gofta with it? It gets put in places you may not want to know. They had magic cards. Not for a hundred million, trillion, billion dollars! Or did your Daddy buy those for you? Great benefits. They trade energy. Just follow the smell of money. Ross Johnson in: Barbarians at the Gate Records, W-2s with his name on.
I want to earn enough money that I can get away from. I said place! Gimme my money mobey You you think I want money? What I want is my morning. I need you to give my time back to me. Can monsy give me back my time? Can you give my time back to me? Can you? What, do you think money grows on trees in this family? Take it back! We were these two sort of vagabonds, never knowing where the ,ake was going to come. This is my life, you know? When I have a great experience, that becomes a perfect movie.
The only way that I could get away from the awfulness of life, at that time, was at the movies. What are you doing it ro Are you doing it because you want to make a lot of money? It seems to me to be beside the point. Money will come. We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. To make money, it may be important to make art, or some significant statement.
And if we make entertaining movies, at times we will make history, art, a statement, or all. Darnell Hunt. Share the Dr. Darnell Hunt Money quote image above on your site: Dr. You must be you gotta spend money to make money movie quote in to post a comment. Delivered by FeedBurner.
Below are a collection of Money Quotations from popular movue, uttered by some fictional characters in well-known scenes. Included here are also quotes about the movies from actors, directors, producers and reviewers. Chance the Gardener : Yes. In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter.
And then we get spring and summer. Chance the Gardener : Yes! There will be growth in the spring! They print more every day. Only a dummy would give this up for something as common money. Are you a dummy? I was poor and no one liked me. I deal in human fulfillment. I grossed over eight thousand dollars in one night. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then mqke get the women. I just want my half. I want a warm bath and a cup of tea.
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