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Step 1: What You Will Need
Cash Boxes and Lock Boxes are used for temporary storage of cash during the day. Made of steel, these lock boxes are not used for overnight storage of cash unless you put the box inside a more secure safe. Typical uses are storage of petty cash, teller or wait person start-up cash and for retail over-the-counter sales. Another common usage is for will-call tickets. Looking for a secure box to protect your cash? Many cash boxes on the market are made of thin sheet metal that can be pried open in a matter of minutes with brute force. Keep in mind that most of them are meant to be kept in an area that is not visible. Because of the lightweight nature of cash boxes they can easily be stolen and taken to another location where the thief will have all the time they need to break into them. What you want is something that is going to provide a temporary storage need that is durable and secure enough to store small amounts of cash.
Account Options
They can come with your choice of money trays, or key holders to suit the specific needs of your business. You can rest assured that our cash boxes will offer you the peace of mind you are after. Outside Dimensions: 3. Outside Dimensions: 2. Outside Dimensions: 1. Outside Dimensions: 4.
Customer Reviews
You have no idea where they came from, but now you need to hide them. And you need to do it fast. Before Ali Baba and those 40 thieves get wind of it. And take it away from you for good. What do you do? Now you can finally sleep peacefully once again tonight. Somewhere no one will ever suspect as being a safe box storage. That somewhere is your electrical outlet. Install diversion safe outlet in seconds with the included installation template and cutout saw tool. Provided locking key unlocks center screw of fake AC plug to pivot out and reveal hidden valuables. Very creative.
Keep Your Money Safe With Cash Boxes
We use cookies on this website. We use these cookies to enhance your user experience, improve the quality of our site, and to show you marketing that is more likely to be relevant to your interests. We also allow third parties, including our advertising partners, to place cookies on our websites. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the placement and use of cookies as described in our privacy policy. Interior cash drawers and bill clips ensure cash, coins, checks and receipts stay organized. Small and medium cash boxes are lightweight and equipped with a handle for easy transportation.
Introduction: How to Make an Indestructible Money Box
My steel was a bit rusty so I cleaned it a bit wit a wire brush. Lay the paper or fabric upside down on a flat surface. For further tips on how to decorate your money box or how to make a wedding box, read on! I Made It! Using the outline you traced, cut a hole for the coin slot with a craft knife or pocket knife which ever is best. Thankfully steel is more forgiving that porcelain; if you cut it open you can fix it. If a child will be doing this craft, have an adult do this part. Unfortunately we can get tempted to spend the money on other things before we have reached our goal. Take the lid off the shoebox, and, using your largest piece of currency eg, quarter, half-dollar, etc. It usually took a while to empty and kept us out of the grandparents hair for a while! Method 1. After tracing out the rectangle, cut it from the paper or fabric using the outline as a guide. Log in Facebook Loading
Convenience Meets Safety
Clean up the welds with a grinder. Did you use this instructable in your classroom? Use a craft knife to miney out the rectangle shape to form an envelope slot. It should be light enough to work on, but heavy enough to weld easily. Choose the paper or fabric with which to wrap the container. My steel was a bit rusty so I cleaned it a bit wit a wire brush. Add any decorative writing or drawings you want to include. I just used the angle grinder to open the money boxes. Finally, wrap the paper around the container and put the lid on top. Article Summary X To make a money box, sfae by finding a suitable container, like a plastic food can with a lid or a shoe box. Good idea. Cut out the coin slot. Customers with certain accounts may get a discount. If the slot has ragged edges, cover the edges with sade.
Money boxes are a great way for kids to save money for a special purpose. Unfortunately we can get tempted to spend the money on other things before we have reached our goal. That’s when this money box is useful. Most money boxes have an opening that allows us to simply take out the money whenever we want. The sad thing about this is that it usually means then box never gets.
Made from chequer-plate steel, this money box is easy to put coins into, but it’s really really hard to make withdrawals. Please note that you might need to use a grinder or oxy to get the money out, so perhaps it’s only for coins, not banknotes.
Did you use this instructable in your classroom? Add a Teacher Note to share how you incorporated it into your lesson. Steel plate. Whatever you can lay your hands on. It should be light enough to work on, but heavy enough to weld easily. Measuring and marking gear. Tape and chalk. Something to cut. I used an angle grinder. An angle grinder for grinding. A welder.
I’m lucky enough to have a MIG. It’s fantastic. A hammer also might come in handy. As you can see I’ve made a few different shapes. The smaller cube has been opened twice. You can see where I have patched it. I hope you have enjoyed this Instructable. Question 7 months ago on Step 3. Reply 7 months ago. Carefully without too much heat if it has notes in it. If it’s just coin then an angle grinder should did the trick.
But the point is that it’s really hard to spend the money so you save. I like your examples, especially the heart-shaped box! Have you ever been asked to cut one open to retrieve the money inside? Reply 4 years ago. I just used the angle grinder to open the money boxes. Then weld a patch over the hole. The patches actually look quite cool. We did learn that heat isn’t good for plastic bank notes.
Reply 3 years ago. If you were making a money box out of a milo tin and wanted to use it upside down so that the lid could be used to get the money out of, how would you make the slot in the top the bottom of the tin to drop the money in?
I am trying to get some ideas on a money drop box safe for a business, the door has got me allittle an really cant find a decent lock. Reply 4 years ago on Introduction. I know how you feel.
You will notice I did not include any door at all on. Very secure, but not very convenient. I want to buy one right now, if anybody makes these and let me know. I seriously seriously want. Reply 5 years ago on Introduction. That’s pretty big! Enough to hold about a million bucks.
I’ll make one for you if you are in Australia, but if you are elsewhere, freight would be excessive. Great, i just love this ,i bet it makes quite a noise when messed. Was just thinking that large diameter pipe square or round might work.
Reply 7 years ago on Introduction. I’m glad you like it. Good idea. Square or circular hollow section would be easy to use for one of. You could make them as long as you liked. Reply 8 years ago on Introduction. Hi, Thanks for your comments. The heart is four pieces. I made the curves by tacking the edge piece to the heart shape and hammering it into shape progressively around the shape. I like the idea of the puzzle to open.
I’ll be pondering that one. I eventually was able to shake all coins out of it without breaking it. Would you consider making this with an opening for easier removal of the coins?
Nice job. Thanks Phil. I could do that, but really my goal was to make something that was impossible to beat. Perhaps a determined child could shake some coins out of this one. I suspect it would be easier if the box was half. Thankfully steel is more forgiving that porcelain; if you cut it open you can fix it.
My Grandfather used to keep all his change in a pottery piggybank with only a coin slot. Each summer my brother and I stayed with my grandparents and we used to get to fish all the coins out of it to use as spending money for the summer. We inserted a butter knife an jiggled it until a coin aligned with the slot. It usually took a while to empty and kept us out of the grandparents hair for a while! By cammers Follow.
More by the author:. Add Teacher Note. To make a cube you only need six square sides. If you have enough steel you can cut out a single shape that can be folded to make a cube.
That will save some cutting and welding. Mark out the shapes you need on the steel. Cut the steel. Grind the edges so they weld nicely. Assemble the cube and tack it. Weld all joints. Clean up the welds with a grinder. Cut a slot to drop coins. Position it where coins won’t easily come. My steel was a bit rusty so I cleaned it a bit wit a wire brush. Check out this video to see how I did it Participated in the Toy Challenge View Contest. Did you make this project? Share it with us!
I Made It! Dannybboy87 Question 7 months ago on Step 3. Answer Upvote. Reply Upvote. SteveC cammers Reply 3 years ago.
How to make Safe Box Saving Money from Cardboard
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