Have you wondered whether selling on Etsy worth it as a spare-time sidegig? Thought of selling on Etsy, but suspected that making any money would take more work than you have time for? How can making beautiful things and then doing all the work to sell them be done in that little time? There are easy thing to sell on Etsy that require no artistic effort or talent whatsoever — in fact, they are among the best-selling products on Etsy: craft supplies, vintage items and party decor. Be aware that most online claims about earning money selling online gives you their pre-deductions revenue number, not the amount of profit the writer earned, because revenue makes better clickbait. Also be aware that we post updates about and photos of our Europe travels on Instagram and Facebook and would love it if you followed us! Selling online was only one small part of how we funded our family sabbatical. We saved up for five years straight. We started by selecting our best vacation savings account and then cutting our costs so that we could sock money away every month. The third and final piece of our career break financial strategy was me ramping up my longtime hobby selling vintage stuff online.
The Top Etsy Sellers.
Selling vintage on Etsy is super different than selling handmade or supplies. I feel like most of the information out there is for these types of sellers so I wanted to talk a bit about some things that are specific to just vintage Etsy marketers! Today I am going break down four other areas of selling vintage, sourcing, margins, shipping and storage. Some of the things I have learned myself and some I found out from listening to the Scavenger Life podcast it is about Ebay, but is super relevant if you are selling vintage! This is a rule and selling items that are not that old is a violation of the Etsy terms of service. But vintage is different. It just depends on what you can find at the time you are looking. You may want to sell old vintage clothing, but not find much of that in your area if you live in suburbia. So one thing you can do as you are considering what to source is figure out what you have the most of… here is the list of my categories again, but with the number of items in my shop. It is really easy for me to find tools and home decor at the estate sales in Florida.
Mixing Art and Business
Margins are a somewhat touchy subject so I will just tell you how I think and you can make the decision on your own! I like to try and get at least 10X the margin on items I sell. Another way to do it is to buy things that sell for more and then pay a bit more to acquire them. I use a spreadsheet to track my costs and sales amounts. I want to know which items I sell have the highest margins so that I can concentrate more on sourcing those kinds of things.
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To make your work simpler, we have carved out a piece where you can get all that is required in one place. Details if other :. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Feb 07, Debra rated it really liked it Shelves: business , non-fiction. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Yup, if you sell anything vintage, handmade, custom-made, etc. Entrepreneurship Making Money Small Business. I ended up not finishing the book as a result.
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Go through your browsing history, and it will help you narrow down the products popping up in your mind that you can sell. The most successful sellers offer something unique: They either put a new spin on a classic product, come up with an entirely new look or idea, or simply sell in a more customer-friendly way than others — with lower prices, a wider selection, or more striking photography, for instance. Wedding preparation without going onto Etsy is never. Yup, if you sell anything vintage, handmade, custom-made. According to the annual report of StatistaEtsy has around Have you ever knitted makke scarf, made jewelry, or sewn clothes for your kids?
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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Each week she shares her recent Etsy sales on her popular Planet Alissa Iitems channel and provides helpful how-to videos for other online sellers.
Now, in her first nonfiction book she gives readers practical advice on selling vintage items on Etsy. Learn about the basics of setting up your Etsy shop; practical advice for promoting and growing your shop and how to earn extra money from items that are readily available at thrift stores, garage sales, auctions and. This book offers helpful information for established resellers hoping to branch out into the Etsy market or new sellers who want to learn more about profiting from vintage items.
Get A Copy. Kindle Editionpages. Published September 25th by Adventure Continues Press. More Details Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is bintage yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews.
Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Sep 06, Scott Holstad rated it liked it Shelves: business. Not too bad. Fairly simplistic and common sensical. Some decent preliminary advice.
My primary complaint is it seemed slanted towards crafts, and while I know that’s essentially what Etsy was founded on, many thousands of Etsy stores now have nothing to do with crafts. Mine was vintage music and books. I therefore found some of the advice totally inapplicable to me, so I wish it would have had a broader overview of things. I ended up not finishing the book as a result.
Recommended for people Not too bad. Recommended for people wanting to build craft-based Etsy shops. If you want to sell other items, there are better books on the market. Jun 08, Melisa Lamb rated it it was amazing. A lot of useful information I found planet Alissa on YouTube several years ago and just now got around to reading her book.
Ms Grosso has a wealth of knowledge and it has helped me to think outside the selling box so to speak! I recommend taking the time ite,s read her books and visit her YouTube channel!
Jul 02, Stephanie rated it it was amazing. Feb 07, Debra rated it really liked it Shelves: businessnon-fiction. I have had my Etsy store open about 5 months and purchased this book, written by a YouTuber I follow Planet Alissa who also sells on Etsy.
Most of the information I have already tesy, but it would have been nice to know ersy this. There are a few tips and tricks she mentioned that I knew nothing about, so it was valuable to me. This is a great book and I recommend it to anyone I have had my Etsy store open about 5 months and purchased this book, written by a YouTuber I follow Planet Alissa who also sells on Etsy.
This is a great book and I recommend it to anyone thinking of taking the leap and becoming an Etsy seller. Amanda Sandoval rated it it was amazing Jul 04, Devri rated it liked it Jul 26, Richard Bowman rated it liked it Jun 02, Ingrid A.
Skinner is currently reading it Mar 10, Janet Wilson is currently reading it Sep 22, Teonna Johnson marked it as to-read Dec 19, Angela Magic Art marked it as to-read Dec 28, Teresa added it Feb 24, Janeen Harlow marked it as to-read May 26, Teresa is currently reading it Jul 30, Cathryn Davey added it Sep 06, Polly Anne is currently reading it Sep 11, Brittany marked it as to-read Oct 09, Barbara is currently reading it Dec 08, Faith marked it as to-read Dec 13, Vanessa is ets reading it Feb 19, Susan Wade is currently reading it Mar 30, Ingrid Bolanos is currently reading it May 01, Priscilla added it May 08, Diana is currently reading it Jun 19, Tatyana Passero marked it as to-read Aug 14, Cerina witha Sea added it Sep 13, Michelle Johnson ietms currently reading it Nov 23, B added it Mar 20, There are no discussion topics on this book.
Readers also enjoyed. About Alissa Grosso. Alissa Grosso. Librarian note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name This profile may contain books from multiple authors sellign this. Books by Alissa Grosso. Trivia About How to Make Money No trivia or quizzes. Welcome. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.
How do you RE-sell Vintage and Antiques? Etsy vs Ebay vs Booths — Buying & Reselling
What to Sell?
Enter your mobile number or email address below and we’ll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer — no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Alissa Grosso has run the Etsy store Planet Alissa planetalissa. She makes videos about the items she’s selling on Etsy and elsewhere online on the Planet Alissa YouTube channel.
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You can find out more about Alissa and her books at alissagrosso. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Each week she shares her recent Etsy sales on her popular Planet Alissa YouTube channel and provides helpful how-to videos for other online sellers. Now, in her first nonfiction book she gives readers practical advice on selling vintage items on Etsy. Learn about the basics of setting up your Etsy shop; practical advice for promoting and growing your shop and how to earn extra money from items that are readily available at thrift stores, garage sales, auctions and .
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