By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Magic Items. Selling magic items is problematic. The jn of magic is far beyond simple gold and should always be treated as. Also, selling magic items requires finding a buyer, probably only getting a fraction of the item’s worth. I like this from a fluff point of view, as I always felt that magic items never felt special enough, and adding scarcity does. But: without magic items for sale, in a kick-in-the-door campaign, what do players spend their hard stolen loot on? Once you’ve got the maing level mundane gear and a stockpile of potions which won’t take longdoesn’t gold become sort of worthless? For clarification, this question isn’t necessarily about wanting to obtain magic weapons, more what you spend all that cash on if magic weapons are out of the question. As o in one of the answers, this is the same as 1st and 2nd ed, but as noted in the comments, it wasn’t necessarily a good thing and articles were written on what to do with all your riches Without a readily available source of high-end useful items, you can purchase large ib of low-end things. For example, a hundred swords, a hundred makint of armor, a thousand man-years in soldier’s wages and a dozen wagons of supplies can achieve a variety of things that a squad of powerful murderhobos can’t.
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If your encounters or adventures are sown with too many traps, and if the characters are victimized over and over again as a result, they are likely to take steps to prevent further bad things from happening. Because of their recent experience, the characters can become overly cautious, and you run the risk of the action grinding to a halt. Traps are most effective when their presence comes as a surprise, not when they appear so often that the characters spend all their effort watching out for the next one. I think this is wrong. Call me naive, but I think traps can be fun. Slather them on! Run an all-trap dungeon. Run an all-trap adventure! Sometimes, defeating a trap can feel extremely satisfying, and even falling victim to a trap can be a hilarious table moment. It all comes down to warning the players, implicitly or explicitly, that they might be walking into danger. If you want to get up a cliff, you can either use an Athletics check or do something clever with ropes. If you want to convince a guard to let you pass, you can make a Persuasion check or you can say something reasonable. There are many solutions to any problem.
The two standard methods
The DM describes the environment 2. The players describe what they want to do 3. The players blunder without warning into a trapped area 2. Remember the list of my favorite trap setups I gave above? The common thread: they all include an odd or mysterious element that invites exploration. The odd detail can be an obvious clue to the nature of the trap — rubble on the floor below a collapsing ceiling trap, or a dead thief near a poison needle trap — but it can also just be a specific detail that cries out for investigation: a chalked arrow on the floor, or a door painted with a woodland scene. It might seem like telegraphing every trap makes it too easy on the players. After all, players can just choose to ignore or steer around anything with a suspiciously lush description.
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Search Advanced search…. General Wikidot. At 6th level, you gain the ability to diffuse violent situations. Error One Thousand Club. They leave his mind, and he kills himself, ending the game. They then head to the house of Hhtheckh, where they make an awful impression, and cut off his hands and bust his kneecaps with a crowbar. Obviously, this roll should be done with your GM present. Linked Active 1 year, 1 month ago. Brumock Knight.
RPG Advice with Attitude
Starting at 3rd level, you have a pool of eays healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. Thread starter Error Start date Apr 9, They knock him out, grab the cutlery, and grab the mobey red stones they had previously found in Farendor. Share on. They see Jack in anguish over the deaths of the ones he and Nottingham had agreed to protect. Alternatively, you can start with a number of gold pieces based on your class and spend them on items. Rex and whooped ass. Emissary of Peace At 6th level, you gain the ability to diffuse violent situations.
Log in Register. Search titles. Word Count:. Search Advanced search…. New posts. Search forums. This section is for roleplays. Forums Roleplays Dice. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thread starter Error Start date Apr 9, Error One Thousand Club. This RP is still open to everyone as a Discord Campaign. Watch, in peril, as our brave adventurers begin on their quest of intrigue and mystery!
If you want to join, just send me a PM. I’m very likely to give out inspiration if I feel you’ve earned it by solving a puzzle in an interesting way, roleplaying well, or whatever I find funny.
Be prepared for forth-wall breaking and references that make no sense, as well as a flamboyant dragon and a smooth-talking set of glassware. Player’s handbook Dice Roller Character Sheets. Last edited: Apr 22, Our first mission began on mzking road to the small town Farendor, seeking mlney cow thief.
Half-way there we makinf a petrified dwarf standing in the middle of the road, his mind put into a nearby dead cow, now an immortal regenerating cow who the group immediately eviscerated and tortured, until running away. The group came to Farendor to find Fred Saddleback, a relative of the cow thief and small child, who they threatened to put in jail and intimidated for no real reason.
Next, they traveled to a strange police station, met a lovely old dwarven woman, and the paladin got deputized. Afterward, they had a strange encounter with a dragonborn teifling, who led them to the teams first battle that wasn’t against a cow.
They captured the cow thief and his mother, Only for their cart to explode, killing. Several strange police officers come and force the party to leave the town. They set off to Johannesburg, the Capital city, to meet up with a sorceress to join their party, as a cow in the distance looks on with vengeance in his eyes. You say group, but I would like to clarify that Makingg did not partake in the torturing of the cow, and actively tried to prevent the party from traumatizing the child.
Our next mission was a step back in time to an origin story, where Amaryllis and Vuya met. It started out with Amyrillis on her way to catch a steamer, when she ran into Vuya. Vuya decided to steal her gold and they got into a fight, resulting in their arrest. The adventurers find themselves in a cell with a large crocodile man and escape from jail by convincing the guard he is a god and solving a mysterious puzzle.
They escape to a series of tunnels and find two Goblins, who appear to be a part of some unknown organization. They wind up flooding the tunnels and blacking out, waking up in an makinb. There, they decide to go on an adventure to make a lot of money, and Vuya begins to worship Amaryllis as her god and begins heralding the Church of Amaryllis.
In an alternate universe, Vuya and Amaryllis decide not to fight but are kidnapped by the police to become gladiators. They go and have the campaign’s first real fight against a bugbear, which they brutally kill.
They escape, and as they mooney their separate ways, a voice calls down and rewrites their story. You will always be wrong. The first official session of the campaign first had our adventurers convince a random police officer that the party’s sorceress was a goddess, furthering the influence of the goddess Amaryllis kaking Johannesburg.
Afterwards, they had their cart and mney cow, Horse, stolen. They headed off to the once again mysterious police office and negotiated Sylvia’s release from prison on the terms that they killed a cow thief, Hhtheckh.
They headed to the Leaky Bucket, a local tavern for more information, coming across a cleric goblin and narrowly avoiding a brawl. They then head to the house of Hhtheckh, where they make an awful impression, and cut off his hands and bust his kneecaps with a crowbar. They then head into the cavern in his basement and murder a couple hundred goblins and then meet their boss, a massive blue dragon named Nottingham. Nottingham sends them on a quest to find cutlery, and they go shopping.
Robots don’t make good jokes. Vuya is reaaaaaally dedicated to his religion. Last edited: Apr 28, The next session had our heroes start on a quest to retrieve some cutlery while one of them slept in instead. They went out to Goldingsville, met a poor beggar boy, interfered with a Kobold Town Meeting, skillfully avoiding solving any actual puzzles, and arrived at the party of a wealthy man. A member of the Blue Dragon Group joins them in their quest. They soon find a woman shackled in a dungeon and makint the owner of the house, Mr.
Williams I forgot his first name in the Flesh. They knock him out, grab og cutlery, and grab the two red stones they had previously found in Farendor. They get into mmoney fight with a hivemind and Mr. Williams, who proves to be immortal, healing every time he is killed. They flee and retrieve their cart, which has now been painted black with flame decals on the sides, and Horse, who now has several piercings.
They drive back to headquarters, where they are paid handsomely, and they deliver the cutlery to the Quartermaster, who makes a new friend. A Note: I had written about ten different ways this mission could have gone.
The players chose the least interesting route. Williams In the Flesh The beggar boy????? The mission was one to Farendor to retrieve one of the Blue Dragon Guild’s members’s stuff.
They arrived to find Farendor in ruins, with a note from Jack Williams detailing all the murder he did on the town. They later found two members of a secret organization who try to recruit the players, only to be killed by Jack Williams. They talk with him and basically instantly kill. They figure out a way to keep him dead. They retrieve his umbrella and befriend his giant eagle. On the way out of town, they are given their next mission, which involves murdering a whole lot of gnomes.
The campaign’s longest mission by far begins in a hotel room in the city of Goldcliff where Knight mqking Sylvia are awoken by Amaryllis, who presents them with a dead Vuya. The party is given their mission, to blow up the local bank. They start by visiting three alchemist shops and then the bank in question, and set to developing a plan. They purchase a very copious amount of explosives and then head out to find support in their plan and meet Aust, a drugged out monk who knows a whole lot about sewers.
They head into the sewers and kill some homeless people and two incredibly nice police officers. When they head back to the hotel they find Jack Williams on the loose and the entire city gets destroyed as they flee. They return home and get a lot of money. Nottingham bullshits his way through a mysterious speech. They agree to an orgy to get a hold of. They go to bed in the Goldcliff Resorts and wake up in an arena.
They fight the Crocodillian from. Amaryllis passes out quickly but awakes to some crazy shit and Vuya dies. The man offers to change Amaryllis’s past and shows a vision of the future. As she refuses, he reveals himself to be Jack Williams and they get in a pretty rad fight. Last edited: May 9, Oh I edited the last one to reflect the mission. Brumock Knight. I liked the part where sorcerer set the Jacks on fire. It is currently day Six days have elapsed since the first makimg in Farendor.
A throwaway mission gone terribly wrong: on a rainy day Knight, Amaryllis, and Aust makking a game called Adventures and Adventuring with Nottingham. In this adventure, things start to get really weird when Horse and Jack Williams appear in game to Nottingham’s surprise.
After they kill him in game, the game comes to life and Jack Williams asks for the mkney help to unbreak reality. Amaryllis and Aust go out on the town. They encounter a woman who is a member of the Church of Amaryllis.
They go to a bathhouse and disrupt a goblin orgy. They interrupt a church meeting and argue about theology for an entire hour. They find a book written by Vuya that asks for their help.
When leaving, they encounter Jack Williams and he convinces them to hop into the bath and rejoin reality, where they find themselves right where they left off. Directly after the events of the last mission they are joined by Sylvia and the Quartermaster in Jack’s bag of holding.
I try not to rant. Shut up. Yes, this is ME maaking.
Gold buys services
The Angry GM. Calling someone a hypocrite is an ad hominem argument. It is the dismissal of an argument based on your perception of the person giving the advice, not on the actual worth of the advice. Lots of older smokers tell people they should never smoke.
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