Echo Moderator mod. August I still have no idea how to start making money at the start. Any pointers? Let they who have not posted about their balls in the wrong thread cast the first stone. Moridin Registered User regular.
The National Basketball Association has a reputation for being the most innovative of the major professional North American sports leagues, earning money from a combination of television rights, merchandising, ticket sales, and more. It was the first league to turn its all-star game into a three-day weekend loaded with events, the first to draw a significant portion of its revenues through merchandising, and the first to consciously develop its most marketable players into global media superstars. The international approach is working, too. The league broadcasts to every populated continent, everywhere from Poland to Mongolia. In the s, rosters were almost uniformly American. Today a quarter of active players are from outside the United States, hailing from 37 countries. Because it is not a public company, the NBA does not release detailed financial reports to the public. Still, one of the largest differences between the leagues is the origin of their disparate revenue.
Ways to Make Money Fast
Alongside other major sports leagues, the NBA generates revenue from multiple streams, the most significant of which are television, merchandising, sponsorships, and tickets. When television first made the transition from luxury item to ubiquitous staple of everyday life, some professional sports team owners balked at broadcasting their games. After all, why on Earth would you give the product away to people sitting at home instead of charging them to attend the game? Eventually, team owners figured out that a they could reach scores of TV viewers for every ticket-buying fan, and b that makes it more than worth it to sell to the middlemen i. Add the hassles of going to a game—the price of tickets, the time spent getting there and back, finding an expensive offsite place to park, possibly encountering an aggressive drunk or two at the stadium or arena—and within a few years it had become clear that watching games on TV would be the primary way that most fans would consume what sports leagues were selling. However, those national contracts still leave regular-season games unaccounted for. The same goes for baseball button-ups and hockey jerseys, for that matter. A related component of the NBA’s merchandising business has to do with sponsorships. You may be surprised that ticketing is actually not one of the primary sources of revenue for the NBA. It tends to lag behind some of the other revenue streams mentioned above. However, that’s not to say that ticketing doesn’t contribute at all. According to ESPN , for the season, teams saw an average of anywhere from just under 15, to just over 20, fans attend per home game. Over the last decade, the average sale price of a team has tripled. Even discounting that sale, the remaining prices show that NBA owners and prospective owners clearly expect revenues to augment even further in the next few years.
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Starsector 0. Fractal Softworks Forum. Please login or register. News: Starsector 0. Home Help Search Login Register. Starsector Announcements Read official announcements here — patch notes, new releases, etc. This is the place.
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Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Stardew Valley Store Page. Global Achievements. Showing 1 — 15 of 67 comments. Most likely starfruit wine. If you are poor and need money early on. Last edited by red ; 9 Mar, am. Loripig View Profile View Posts. Lenneth View Profile View Posts.
Depends on the season Spring 1st year — Potato then maximize stqr. Prepare oak rasins for hops. Coffee if you have any. Few jars can be made for strawberry jam. Should start building kegs with collected oak rasins. Put melons in jars, and sell blueberry as crops with tight cashflow. If you are making enough money with pale ales, make cranberry jams instead. Winter 1st year — Don’t sleep on winter seeds. They improves forage skills and are a decent source of income.
Or, you can let them die at the end of winter, and plant spring seeds right away. Spring 2nd year — Ancient seeds, coffee, rhubarb, cauliflower, potato.
None of them stands. Mpney 2nd year — Starfruits. If you can plant starfruits with deluxe speed gro at day 1, you can havest 3 times. At the start mining is the best way. Later on Making wine and jelly. To a degree cheese and mayonasse as. Magzie View Profile View Posts. Best way to make money is Preserve Jars with the Art bonus. Look at the Starfruit wine vs Jelly. Starfruit wine will make you 50, per keg per year where as Starfruit Jelly will make youper jar per year.
From the wiki: satr should be noted that these calculations the ones used in the Wiki ONLY involve the value gained in terms of max profit; if mpney at profit per day based on the time required 2 days for the preserves jar, 7 days for the keg, plus aging time if desiredit is ALWAYS more beneficial to use a preserves jar, on the highest value item possible. Even starred crops do not approach the same amount of profit per day in a keg as in the preserves jar.
Last edited by Magzie ; 9 Mar, pm. Originally posted by Magzie :. Last edited by Lenneth ; 9 Mar, pm. I can plant 30 oak trees on my farm and get 30 kegs a week no problem just maybe buying the wood at per keg.
Crab pots are probably cheaper than buying coal, have to work out the math. Goo posted by red :. Originally posted by kwan :. I think you are approaching it wrong. Goal is 15 million gold, which is enough for the gold clock, the return rod and some spending money. As mentioned we can get starfruit in the field in a summer and not we’d need for the Jelly.
Of course my numbers are slightly arbitrary. Not sure dector you are going with jars per day. You are seriously Kilning enough coal for Crab pots with 8 charcoal kilns for a savings of 50 gold per piece of coal.
Now we are talking about a farm thats making 15 million a season. So yeah. Now we got a setup with Kegs. You can always plant more trees. I plant 30 trees before the middle of spring, I get 10 trees before the end of spring, 10 trees before the middle of summer and the last 10 trees before the end of summer. I’m not sure what relevance you want to value on. As you mentioned it takes farming 8 to get kegs, but it takes farming 10 to wsys artisan so I get artisan after doing hops which nets me farming XP which is enough to get farming 10 from 0.
So lets value stuff. Valuing the coal and wood good ways to make money star sector because consistancy. Clint’s prices are rather absurd. I can pull iron ore out of the mines in a day easily, if iron is valued atthats 15, same as running charcoal kiln’s all day, with the added bonus of pulling in other stuff for sale. Here let me run a day and get an actual number for daily iron. Running the kilns is a total waste of your time by the way.
Year 1 I yo kegs. Cost me 7 days in the mine which we can value at 15, cuz thats apparently what your time is worth. Last edited by red ; 9 Mar, pm. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 9 Mar, am. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames.
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For new players, it is highly recommended to play through the in-game tutorials and to read about the Game Mechanics. The campaign beginner guide by HELMUT provides additional tips for what to do after the player has completed the campaign tutorial. The unofficial Discord server is also a good place to look for help.
Television Rights, Merchandising, and Ticket Sales Are Primary Revenue Sources
Starsector features different ship styles that generally operate fairly differently from each. They all use the same mechanics but differences in stats or specific ship features incentivise them to be used in different ways. Safety Overrides needs special attention as it can drastically alter a ship from the norms of its style. The massive speed boost can tood Low Tech ships to catch up to practically. The massive boost to flux dissipation can enable High Tech ships to cycle a brutal rate of damage. Ships using Safety Overrides can be distinguished in combat by their distinctively different engine colours, which eays on a harsh white glow. They are more ok with dropping shields mid-combat or even venting while in combat. Try to stay engaged in combat, dropping shields when flux is high but continuing to fight. The Lasher is a stereotypical Tp Tech ship. Stay very close to the opponent use its Accelerated Ammo Feeder ship system with F to increase firepower dramatically. Always be mindful that you will need to keep shields up and back off to a safe distance to vent. Use the Phase Skimmer ship system F to maintain range or back off to vent.
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