The Joker : Tell me something, my friend. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? Bruce Wayne : What? The Joker : I always ask that of all my prey. I just Vicki Vale : What do you want? The Joker : My face on the one dollar .
Not long before we drive to his favorite sushi bar in Los Angeles, Joaquin Phoenix, the actor, tells the story of how he became a vegan. It was October 28, , his third birthday, and Phoenix and his family were aboard a cargo ship bound for Miami from Venezuela. His parents had just abandoned their lives as followers of a notorious religious cult, the Children of God, which was led by a charismatic former preacher named David Berg, who called himself Moses. To sing about God, Rain and first-born River went busking on the street. In those years, Children of God had not descended fully into the darkness and perversion for which it became infamous, including the use of sex for recruitment and allegedly introducing children to sex at a young age. When they realized what was happening, the Phoenixes, whose last name was then Bottom, left the cult, disillusioned, penniless, and expecting a fifth child, Summer. The freighter was carrying a container with Tonka toys, and the crew gave Phoenix a truck and made him a birthday cake. I had never gotten a new toy before, and really the most jarring and intense memory was what led to our veganism. He and his older siblings, River and Rain, were watching flying fish leap out of the water when Joaquin observed some fishermen pulling their catches off their rods and throwing them violently against nails that had been pounded into the wall of the vessel. At that moment, he says, it dawned on him that the fish his parents had been feeding him back in Venezuela, where they lived in a beach house and sang praise songs to God on the streets, were actually these helpless, flapping creatures being tortured to death on deck. Two months later, after moving to Winter Park, Florida, the entire family converted to veganism. In they piled into a station wagon—with a new last name, Phoenix—and drove to Hollywood, where they reinvented themselves as an unlikely troupe of child actors and singers who appeared in TV shows like Family Ties and Hill Street Blues, espoused veganism and animal rights, and featured a beautiful eldest son, the shooting star River Phoenix.
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When Joaquin Phoenix unsheathes his chopsticks for the seaweed salad at Asanebo, the Japanese restaurant in Studio City, this story adds to the queasy feeling that the actor may be offended by the platter of raw mackerel that shows up at the table. With an impish smile, he lets the comment hang.
This is used to display charts and graphs on articles and the author center. Religion and Philosophy. So I caught the first boat. I’m not rich but I’m solvent Because, a few years later, he’s with someone new, making lots of money, no real responsibility. I actually recently posted a short story. Or, do you mainly post them here to get feedback? We can make a lot of money. Do you Ten years working for a law firm, you learn a thing or two, which is good, ’cause you sure as hell don’t make a lot of money doing it.
This nightclub makes a lot of money. I made a lot of money with her, but that’s all stopped. Education and Science. Related Discussions. Together, not only will we make a lot of money, we will make history. Thanks to television, I’ve made a lot of money. I’ve made six hubs in the last week. Is that something like making a goal and achieving it? Your family stands to make a lot of money when this dam is sold. So, that should give you an idea. This is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. I’m sorry that you had to sell your business and make a lot of money and that you got a new job. And because you’ve given out so many of them we’re actually making a lot of money.
The Puritans came here for religious reasons, or so they said, but they also came here because they wanted to make a lot of money. I need to make a lot of money because my friend needs to get surgery. I want to make a lot of money selling your face chemicals.
I just want to give you an opportunity To make a lot of money. You have to make a lot of money. I’m going to enjoy u next year and I’m going to make a lot of money. To make a lot of money and so I can buy you pretty clothes. Sleeping with rich guys was a fast way to make a lot of money. I could show you how to make a lot of money. That’s when she said I was going to monfy a lot of money.
You stand to n a lot of moneytubby Tommy. Your family stands to make a lot of money when this dam is sold. I can show you how to make a lot of money.
I’ll have to make a lot of money. The thing I most want now is to make a lot of money. Someone way back log your family Was clever enough to make a lot of moneyAnd then his son made some.
And for the people who wererunning the gang, it was a great way, seemingly, to make a lot of money. Would you take risks to make a lot of money?
Arthur Fleck : [ written in notebook ] The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t. Arthur Fleck : I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a fucking comedy. Arthur Fleck : For my whole life, I didn’t know if I even really existed. But I do, and people are starting to notice.
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Arthur Fleck : You don’t listen, do you? I don’t think you ever really hear me. You just ask the same questions every week. Arthur Fleck : Murray, one small thing? Arthur Fleck : When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Joker? Arthur Fleck : Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there? Arthur Fleck : How ’bout another joke, Murray? Murray Franklin : No, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes. Murray Franklin : I don’t think so. Arthur Fleck Murray Franklin : I think we’re done here now, thank you. Murray Franklin : Call the police, Gene, call the police. Arthur Fleck : I’ll tell you what you get! You get what you fuckin’ deserve!
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