I’ve said countless times that there are hundreds of ways to make money, especially in college. What limits people from doing it is all internal — not external. Well, today I’m eliminating some of those excuses. Here’s my list of over ways to make money in college. Seriously, I brain-dumped every idea I could think of to make money into this list. Some of them you’ve mohey plenty of times. Others might be studenst to you. To help organize the list, here are the categories we’ve assigned to the different tasks.
More Money Hacks
But once all that fun passes, you might find yourself realizing you have no clue what to do for three more weeks at home. Winter Break is a great time to get prepped for life after college before you get buried in another semester. I know, I know. But why not come back to school with some cash in your pocket and real work experience under your belt? Fancy yourself good with a hammer? Do you enjoy color coordinating your closet? As a college student, signing up as a TaskRabbit allows you to earn extra cash for doing things that your parents might ask you to do anyway. It is super easy, you get to meet new people, and you set your own schedule and your own price. Signing up for TaskRabbit requires a formal application and an in-person interview. Animal lover? Meet your dream job. DocVacay connects pet owners with over 20, pet sitters across North America. The best part? You get to choose the size of dogs and breeds that you allow into your home. Either way, dogs. Here is a great profile to use as an example as you create your own.
Want to earn better grades?
As a college student, I was always hesitant to sell back my textbooks at the end of the semester. I was certain that I would reference them in my future professional life. Or at least they would make for an impressive bookshelf. Textbooks have a shorter shelf life than milk. Need proof? My college textbook from Introduction to Marketing does not even mention social media and yes, I did go to college after Facebook was invented.
Even more from UNiDAYS
You can just ask around to see if you or your parents know ways for college students to make money over winter break who needs these services. Have culinary aspirations? Most colleges have one, and the job of tutors there is to assist students with all things related to writing. It connects teachers all over the world with students who want to learn a new language. It can also be a good job to get your foot in the door if you want to be an RA. Do you use Fiverr to make money online? You can find babysitting work online these days, since many parents post jobs for baby-sitters on the internet. For more info, check out this guide from Listen Money Matters. I worked as a waitress during my junior year of college and while it was stressful, it was also very fun. In fact, we cover over places where you can find paying gigs! Sell Your Notes Take great class notes? Be prepared to spend a lot of time on your feet, wear a hairnet, and work weird hours.
Rent Your Stuff
Looking for a way to make money during summer vacation? Check out these six ways mxke that teens can do before they head back to school. May 21, Yeah, Mae know. Whether you’re in high school or college, spending the summer working doesn’t seem like a very attractive proposition.
One word, guys: money. Wondering what kinds of jobs will hire you just for the summer? Of course, lifeguarding is hard work, and it isn’t good for someone who’s just in it for the tan. I saved a lot of people over my 6-year lifeguarding career, so you have to be both mentally and physically prepared for.
Winterr reason to become a lifeguard? Swimming lessons. If you like kids and don’t mind getting splashed a lot, swimming lessons are a great way to earn extra money. Some parents liked me so much I ended up teaching their kids privately, which paid even better. For those of vreak who don’t know me, I am Micheal and Rebecca’s daughter Caroline. I will be available starting the 22nd of December until the 9th of January.
I can work on weekdays or weekends, basically whenever you need me. Once summer vacation rolled around, I got back in touch with the families I’d worked for in the winter, and ended up nannying for them all summer as. Good lord. So maybe you don’t have the patience to spend 8 hours a day herding around small children, but who doesn’t love adorable fuzzy animals?
Whether your soft spot is for dogs, cats, hamsters or geckos, you can use the same mass winger tactic I use to get babysitting jobs, and offer up yourself as a dog walker, pet groomer, or full-time pet sitter! Lots of families go on vacation in the summer and need someone trustworthy to take care of their pets while they’re away.
This is a pretty easy job, so make sure you don’t ruin your chances of getting another one by throwing a party or making a mess. Another way to make money without having to wait for collegd owners to go on vacation is to start up a dog walking business.
This is a great way to spend time outside in the summer, get some good exercise and hang out with excited pups—a win-win-win as far as I’m concerned. Summertime for dogs and outdoor cats means more mud to roll in, more poo to step in, and more fur that needs to be trimmed to keep them cool and comfortable.
If you can offer a cheap and effective way to keep the pets in your area clean tl cuddle-friendly, you can make a killing. One of my least favorite chores as a kid was mowing our gigantic double lot. It took over moey hour, and left me sweaty and smelling like a gas can for days, no matter how many times I showered. Neighbor boy had a pretty sweet business going on our block.
This is pretty good gig for a high school kid, but it overr be hard to transform into a full time job. In the winter, you can shovel snow, salt driveways, and us. Much like landscaping, taking on your neighbors home improvement projects studens a collegf way for students to earn money, spend time outdoors and gain some useful life skills. My dad liked hanging out with him, so he’d ask for his help on stuff even if he had no prior experience with it.
What’s not to love? I truly believe that everyone should work a service industry job at some point in their life, and what better time to start than as a high school or college student? I worked as a waitress during my junior year of college and while it was stressful, it was also very fun. I made a lot of friends, and learned how to tactfully deal with rude people with a fo smile on my face, a skill I will cherish for the rest of my life. If you’re friendly, quick on your feet, have decent balance I struggled with this, TBHwant free or discounted food and don’t mind working weekends, consider applying at all the restaurants in your neighborhood!
This article first appeared on Brad’s Deals. Already a subscriber? This website uses cookies to improve functionality and performance. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
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7 Side Jobs To Make Extra Money (2019)
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If you’re anything like the typical college student, you wait all semester for winter break. But after a few days at home, you somehow find yourself bored out of your mind. You have no projects to think about, no tests to study for and more time on your hands than you thought you could handle.
8 Unique Ways to Make Extra Money Over Winter Break
So what better time to fill your days with a job and make some extra cash? Shovel some snow — If there’s lots of snow where you live, you might as well make the most of it and offer your shoveling services to your neighbors and family members. Tom Vecchione, executive director of career services at Elon University, calls this money-maker an «oldie but goodie. Be a distributor — «Many employers in larger to mid-size areas employ high school and college students to hand out flyers or other marketing items to the public,» Vecchione says. Look around at local coffee shops or ice cream shops to see what flyers are already posted, and then give them a call to see if they’d like any more help. Babysit — Parents are busy with holiday parties and office parties over break. Offer to watch your cousins, neighbors, siblings or nieces and nephews. You’ll have fun and make good money in the process. If your neighborhood or high school has an email listserv, send something out letting everyone know you’re available to help. Watch someone’s pets — Lots of people take short vacations and trips over the holidays.
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