No show-off posts. Feedback, praise, WIP, screenshots, kickstarters, blogs, memes, «play my game», twitch streams. Be specific about your question. If you are a beginner, read the FAQ. If you need to use screenshots, that’s ok so long as is illustrates your issues. Do not solicit employment.
Nonetheless, I hope that my story inspires others and acts as a valuable data point that can be added to your success story dataset. I graduated from a good university with a chemical engineering degree and a good GPA three years ago. After college, I got a job as a Process Engineer at a refinery. I worked there until I changed careers into Software Engineering. I always kept the thought of an MBA in the back of my mind, but every time I looked at the price tag of the top schools, my interest waned. It seemed like a perfect fit. All you need is a computer, and your opportunities are limitless kind of. In no other engineering discipline can you just have an idea, start building it, show it to users, and iterate with little capital and low barrier to entry. In chemical engineering, you essentially need a running plant or a lot of money to design a plant if you had an idea for a new product. I had heard of people quitting their jobs and attending a bootcamp, but the more I read about it online, the more I realized that you can totally learn it all on your own if you are committed and focused. You might argue that you are losing out on the networking and career advice provided by a bootcamp.
This can be true, but I was fortunate in that I was living in the Bay Area which allowed me to attend several meetups, so I networked that way. You need to have a goal. Especially if you are trying to learn while working full-time. So you need to create internal pressure.
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Know some companies under the radar in Hong Kong? Click the circle button. I must be able take attendance using my mobile phone. Choosing a mini project is often a difficult task for college students. I was impressed by his top quality technical skills and his mature way of thinking. External title: Senior Software Engineer; Role: Owns the development and rollout for an entire product, or large project.
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Pls suggest qyickets. Developers should be mentored into making wise architectural decisions. Hello all. Replies 3 Views 2, Apr 2, Carl What is the easiest way to install SSL for a website with cPanel? This is all the more reason to stay up to date and practiced with the most up to date concepts. Replies 7 Views 1, RobertClive Jan 2, Internet Marketing. Replies 1 Views 1,
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Thread starter scopio Start date Jan 2, make money make money online money online traffic website. Joined Sep 18, Quickwts 17 Points 3. I saw video courses from internet marketers offering me here, they said that their system can generate profit and help me earn money online with no website or traffic, it’s possible or not? I’ve not tried yet, just reddit quickets way for a software dev to make money to know anyone here tried and succeeded? I also want to know other methods that quickest and easiest to make money in this year ?
Pls suggest me. Joined Dec 31, Messages 20 Points 0. You may aswell ask for Free Money Contribute something useful ,and stop asking stupid questions like — quickets and easiest way to make money in Go googling. Joined Jan 13, Messages Points 0. No website YES But no traffic — NO! I can’t see how you could make money with no traffic going to your offer No websites — okay you could try Youtube, FB pages, Web 2. I suspect that what you have seen could be from one of those dodgy Guru scams In my opinion it always takes some elbow grease with hard work to make it online and as such there is no magic one click solution Joined Sep 26, Messages Points 0.
NickTheMusketeer Active member. Joined Jan 18, Messages 80 Points 0. You may not need a website to earn money online even though we’re in but you definitely require traffic in order to make money. If you have no one traffic to check out your offer, you will not receive a single cent from. Those supposed Internet Marketers are just trying to make an easy buck maoe misinformed people.
Do not fall for their tricks. Nytshade Well-known member. Joined Jan 22, Messages Points 0. Yes, you can make money without a website or traffic. There are websites that can pay you to write content or create reviews. You simply go to the website and check which jobs are available then choose the one you like.
There are many ways besides article or review writing but I think the guy is trying to sell you something like. Reeddit some survey type of stuff. For me the best ways to make money online is by creating redcit own product and blogging.
Those are the 2 things I’m comfortable doing besides anything. Others start a forum, fod network, online magazine, porn website. Do some research on different ways to make money online then choose whichever you feel mlney doing and it’s not going to be easy, always keep that in mind.
Joined Jan 27, Messages 73 Points 0. Although you wont become a millionaire, you can use Fiverr to provide sofftware services for a fee. This is really based on quantity, the hotter it is what you offer, the more sales you will make.
If you are serious about online marketing and making money online inyou will stop trying to figure out the shinny object syndrome and start learning what it takes to succeed online. Shane Member. Joined Jul reddut, Messages 32 Points 0. Without «people» to sell something to, you cannot make money. Like others have already said above, you can make money online without a website There’s plenty of information right on this forum that will teach you about the various ways to make money online with or without a website.
Look around, use the search feature and keep studying. It shouldn’t be about «quickest and easiest» — take your time to build your softwwre, build relationships as well as your brand and reputation.
That will pay off in the long run. Best, Shane. Joined Feb 17, Messages 22 Points 0. Isn’t it a mmoney So that means: no traffic, no money, no reddi.
Joined Jun 14, Messages 77 Points 0. Yes, by using microjob sites, like Fiverr and Seoclerks, that have their own traffic, so you don’t have to redcit your. Fiverr uses Google Adwords for many keywords to bring in traffic, so if you have a gig related to those, then it’s softwaer sure fire audience to your own services. No need of your own website or your own traffic source. Good luck! Carl Member. Joined Mar 9, Messages 26 Points 0. You could also makr dropshipping from amazon to ebay.
It’s a good method without websites or SEO knowledge. Finding and offering a service to people on craiglist, then outsourcing the actual job is also quite effective. You must log in or register to reply. Older Threads. Are web design and web development saturated? RobertClive Jan 2, Website Design. Replies 7 Views 2, RobertClive Jan 2, Softtware Marketing. Replies 7 Views 1, Jan 28, edsonbuchanan. Somebody share some tips on email marketing strategies?
Replies 3 Views 1, Jan 18, elcidofaguy. How to start an online web design company? Replies 0 Views 1, Replies 2 Views 1, Jan 2, wplanders. Newer Threads. How to build a list from feedburner subscribers? Jan 25, Nytshade. OP2 Intergation. Replies 1 Views 1, Jan 2, Liliana. Getting traffic with Reddit? Andre Jan 2, Internet Marketing. Replies 13 Views 3, Jan 23, James McAllister.
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