Do you feel like your career exists somewhere between your last sale and your next one? Monet you always searching for the way to bridge the gap and create long-term success? Does it seem that somehow your life is only about your ability strezs perform on the job? For too long you have bought into the idea that the business you do and the life you lead are completely separate. What Todd Duncan has learned in his ,ess years of sales is the polar opposite: When you discover how to connect who you are and what you are about in your selling career, the results will be phenomenal and long-lasting. No matter what industry you work in or what type of sales position you hold, adopting miney practical principles in High Trust Selling will open the door to a new way of thinking and a life beyond your wildest expectations. What would you like to know about this product? Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and we’ll answer you in the next hours. You can unsubscribe at any time. Enter email address.
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The first section includes the laws that deal with the attitudes, aptitudes, and abilities that are required for any salesperson to be successful. The second section deals with the laws concerning the communication, courtship, camaraderie and commitments between a successful salesperson and his or her clients. Each law provides a description of a practical application. If you? This book provides the? His tapes, seminars, and books have helped millions worldwide tap into their potential. He and his wife, Sheryl, and their two boys live in La Jolla, California. Convert currency. Add to Basket. Book Description Nelson Business, Condition: New. Seller Inventory ZZN. More information about this seller Contact this seller. Seller Inventory M Book Description Condition: New. Seller Inventory ML Todd Duncan.
High Trust Selling : Make More Money-In Less Time-With Less Stress
Less stressful careers often mean lower pay. It can be difficult to choose the type of work that you do. It can be difficult to balance the stress that you feel at work with a healthy personal life. You may be so focused on earning enough money that you may not be enjoying the rest of your life. Many people make it to the top management positions only to realize that they do not enjoy where they are or what they are doing. The stress in some positions may be bad enough that you need to cut back for health reasons or to maintain a healthy relationship with your spouse or friends and family. If you are offered a new position, you will need to take the time to weigh whether the stress and additional responsibilities make taking the position worth it. While it is always nice to make more money, you may find that you are willing to work at a job with less stress so that you can enjoy your life more. If reach this point, you will need to work on cutting back so that your pay cut does not ruin you financially. As you consider changing your current career you should ask yourself these questions:. It is important to consider whether or not you will enjoy the work that you will be doing in the new position. Often a promotion means you will be doing a different type of work. You may be moving into management, which means that you will not be doing the same type of work on the projects. If this position will move towards your long-term career goals , then taking the new position makes sense.
You may be moving into management, which means that you will not be doing the same type of work on the projects. In this our quadrennial season of financial hope, we might wish that the major presidential candidates would reckon with one of the large and looming numbers in our lives. If you are married, you and your spouse need to determine together the financial goals for your family and how your career change will impact them. Before you take a new position, you do need to evaluate how the extra money will affect your current lifestyle. If there is more than one child, these numbers could double, and if private colleges are under consideration, they may double again or more. Pay another quarter out of current income over the next four years. What Are My Alternatives? You may sacrifice some of the benefits of a larger city, but you can have additional family time and lower housing costs to compensate.
Product Information
Do you feel like your career exists somewhere between your last sale and your next one? Are you always searching for the way to bridge the gap and create long-term success?
Does it seem that somehow your life is only about your ability to perform on the job? For too long you have bought into the idea that the business you do and the life you lead are completely separate. What Todd Duncan has learned in his twenty-two years of tmie is the polar opposite: When you discover how to connect who you are and what you are about in your selling career, the results will be phenomenal and long-lasting.
No matter what industry you work in or what type of sales position you hold, adopting the practical principles in High Trust Selling will open the door to a new way of thinking and a life beyond your wildest expectations. Bolero Ozon. Todd Duncan. The Law of the Summit. Successful Salespeople Buy Stock in Themselves. The Law of Leverage. The Law of the Hourglass. Makking a Relationship to Be Right on the Outside. The Law of the Hook.
The Greater the Performance the Louder the Applause.
One Key To Make More Money (WIth Less Stress!) At Work
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