The cost of moving up to Grandmaster gear is steep, as are the prices on upgrades to your vineyard home. You could do things the hard way, Witching around the countryside, or you could save yourself some grind and try this money exploit while it still works. First, you need to return to White Orchard, go see Willis the Dwarf smith and buy everything off him so that he has a few thousands coins in his purse. Then head to the two buildings highlighted in the pic. Cast Aard and knock it off. Do not mourn. Just sit down, meditate for an hour and For a few seconds, anyway, because with the beehive still there, this Willis is not long for this world. And when he dies, meditate, watch, then repeat as many times as you want. He should also have some rare crafting elements and jewels on him too, so make sure to loot those as. At time of posting, this exploit worked on v1. CD Projekt Red have ways of knowing who has done this
How to make money in The Witcher 3
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How to Farm Money in Witcher 3
Like any role-playing game, money makes the money go round — so you’ll want to consider various The Witcher 3 money making methods as you play. Life as a Witcher is hard; you’re constantly being shouted at, have to go around fighting all manner of things that want to kill you, and nobody wants to pay you what you’re worth. It’s enough of a hassle just travelling around, the last thing you want to have to worry about is money. After all, that’s what real life is for. So, to help you get the most out of the game — from when you start to White Orchard to simply exploring the world — here is some advice to keep the Crowns flowing. If you’re looking for more assistance, our Witcher 3 walkthrough can help. There’s no one single technique to keep your cash flow up — you have to keep a number of things in mind as you play the game, such as the following While all of the tips are useful at all points in the game, you might be a little concerned when starting off in the game. So, here are a couple of White Orchard specific tips for the budding Witcher. First of all, kill everything living thing and loot them, you’ll be able to find a wealth of materials and items on them. Sell any cow hides you have to the merchant that you save from a Griffin during the early stages of the story, he reappears next to the Woesong Bridge marker. Also, make sure to sell gear to the quartermaster and not the dwarven blacksmith, as the former gives you a bit more money per piece.
Death Stranding walkthrough and guide to completing deliveries in the post-apocalypse Our guide to helping Sam Bridges reconnect an isolated United States. Gray Armor Dye Because the world is full of grays anyway. These are floating items that you can loot and they can be found in the various seas all across the map. Share This Story. Hottest Features. Manticore Witcher Gear Set An armor set found in six pieces. For a few seconds, anyway, because with the beehive still there, this Willis is not long for this world either. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. There’s no one single technique to keep your cash flow up — you have to keep a number of things in mind as you play the game, such as the following
How to make lots of easy Money Witcher 3 (Blood and Wine DLC REQ)
Witcher 3: Blood and Wine offers a whole new world and a whole new set of villains to cut. However, some things are universal, and Toussaint is just as clogged with human bandits as anywhere. We’ll show you how to use these bandits to quickly farm money and crownsnot to mention getting a fair amount of experience into the bargain. In order to utilise this, you’ll have to own the Blood and Wine DLC, not to mention having accessed the region of Toussaint.
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One of the new additions in this area are Hanse Bases, essentially huge bandit camps filled with enemies. The intended idea is that killing all the bandits and their leader empties the base, whereupon Toussaint’s knights can move in and turn it into an encampment. There are three of these massive camps in Blood and Wine, and for those who like combat they represent some of the high points of the game. The problem is that once completed, there’s no official way to reset them and play them over without just restarting the game or going back to an earlier save. However, there’s an exploit by which you can essentially play them over and over, and gain major rewards from doing so. We’ll go over that. The premise here is that you kill everybody in the Hanse Camp except its leader, loot the place as much as possible, then fast travel to a blacksmith or merchant and sell everything you’ve stolen. A comprehensive sweep of the place should net you at least crowns, and maybe twice that, depending on your luck. By the time you’ve fast travelled back to the camp, the bandits should’ve respawned and you’ll be able to repeat the whole gory, lucrative process. While there’s three separate camps to try this on, we recommend going to the one in the top-right of the map, North-West from the signpost for the Arthach Palace Ruins. It worked well for us, there’s a perfect place to fight enemies in an awesome way without getting completely overwhelmed, and the camp leader is nicely separated from the rest of his goons, meaning you won’t kill him by accident at any point.
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