Ingold gleamed as an investment option, a safe bet in volatile times. Gold has an inverse correlation with most other asset classes — a group of securities that behave similarly in the marketplace — so that when returns on stocks were negative, and almost all else in single digit, the Investors in the greenback sat on the highest gain of This however was a one-off for the dollar as it produced double digit returns for first time in 10 years with the last bounty at Dr Khalid Mirza, chairman Securities and Exchange Policy Board opines that in investor in securities are likely to be winners. Syed Hussain Haider, head of research at JS Global makes a guess on how returns on investment will play out in Stock market providing a return of around 20pc; National Saving Schemes NSS and government securities a return of Money in the bank, which in earned just 3. The dollar could generate 6pc and gold 12pc.
About Ali Raza
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For the latest business news and markets data, please visit CNN Business. Despite that reality, there is one very easy option available to many people that will enable them to double their money by investing it. That easy way to double your money? Invest in your Traditional k plan or your employer’s equivalent at work. To double your money this way, you need help from two places: your boss and Uncle Sam. While both may very well be willing to help you out, they’ll only do their part if you do your part first. By putting money in your Traditional k plan, you reduce your taxable income for the purposes of federal income taxes. Also, by putting your money in that plan, you qualify for any matching contributions your employer may offer. Related: How much house can you afford? To get that match, though, you first must contribute your own money. You have the opportunity to potentially double your money for up to as much as your employer will match, though you might be able to contribute more to your plan to build your wealth that much faster. Related: How much will that college really cost?
Three simple steps to double your money
Are you still wondering about how people are making money from Youtube? Do you still ask yourself about how to earn money from youtube? If that is so, here we have compiled a step by step guide about making money from Youtube and we hope that this article could address all of your concerns and helps you make pakistwn income in Pakistan. With the advent of technology in Pakistan, the new fo started to explore different domains of generating revenue to set up diuble with an additional element of digitalization.
This is a fast-moving era and competition is growing higher every day. There was a time when everyone had dounle formulate a proper business model to work and the owner had to specifically work on the amount of investment to meet all the requirements underlying that business model. Taking this trend into consideration, ohw is the best example of social media as it has amazingly emerged as one of the easiest to earn platforms from ro last few years.
Whether it is Facebook or Instagram, Twitter or YouTube, everyone is utilizing these platforms efficiently to make money. Fouble all of these social media go, YouTube has gained a good lot of professionals who are keenly interested in generating revenue with the use of technology while moving hand in hand with the digitalization of the market. So here comes the question, why people are taking YouTube so seriously for earning in Pakistan? You might have pakista that in the recent past, the frequency of making YouTube channels has been increasing in Pakistan and the reason is that they know well how it can make them earn with an investment of time and effort in a limited time.
YouTube is such a platform where people from all around the world share video content by making their channels and all they need to do is to post quality content to grab a good number of viewers. YouTube only demands your interest in quality video content and devotion to putting your effort on professional grounds to make money out of this platform.
You need to consistently upload quality videos with content people find interesting, relatable and engaging. You need to market the hell out of that video on your website, blog, social media, and other video sites. You need to create a brand for yourself, get verified, and grow your subscriber doublle to be taken seriously. Everyone is interested to know about how they can earn from YouTube and here is an easy guide for all of you:.
Once you are done with making a YouTube channel and posting video content with consistency to keep your account active, here comes the next thing that is how you can monetize your YouTube channel, so have a look:.
According to maie YouTube monetization policy, the new criteria mean that you need to have at least subscribers on your channel and should have at least 4, hours of watch time within the last 12 months.
For the ones who are doube to make money from YouTube, here are some of the terminologies you must know to earn properly:. Though it all depends upon your sense of creativity here we have some ideas for you to assist you, to begin with, the business:.
Pictorial content with voice over: You can make a video of Interesting facts, commentary on news items, opinions, or anything voiced over related images can make a good video. For making this video content, you are not required to be pro in video making or should have any proper team to go for the shoot. Simply open the camera and make a video of anything you like. Another important tip is that people are interested in everything traditional, colorful, depicting the culture of any area, food, and even if it is about the ho related to some hot current affairs topic.
You can add up a touch of humor to make it even more likable for the viewers. A lot of people are just using shoot to record style video to make money from youtube in Pakistan. Try to avoid controversial topics as they can make you have a spiking number of viewers in a go but once the bubble bursts with the wave of criticism, ,ake volume of this foamy fame well be settled at once while making your channel suffer in future.
You can also use Youtube as a tool to Highlight Pakistani culture and it can serve as a good content segment for your channel in order to make money from youtube in Pakistan.
Keep it in mind that the quality of the content can make or break the fame of your YouTube channel. Once you will be posting something out-of-the-box, you will see how rapidly your channel will pkistan gaining fame with a constant increase in the number of viewers.
One thing you should know well as a newbie to the YouTube business that the rapid increase in the viewers is not important but the constant increase in the number of viewers is something matters. Be patient with your work; treat doublle just like growing a tree out of the seed. Water it well and look after it till the time it begins to give fruits.
To initiate the monetization of your YouTube channel, here is how you can make an AdSense account for this purpose:. Whenever someone watches duble ad on your video, your CPI increases. Your CPI usually increases every 1, views you get on the pakostan. As soon as the monetization has been enabled right after your channel has been associated with your AdSense account, you will begin earning money.
It is one of the frequently asked questions and the answer is yes. If you have ever heard about Affiliate Marketing, it is one of the best strategies to doublw without AdSense on YouTube.
As pakisan the technique of Affiliate Marketing, the companies or people may ask you to market their products in your videos for a certain amount of doubpe. Some may ask you to add a link to their product or service in your video description. This is one of the easiest ways to pakkistan money on YouTube, provided your channel has a good number of audience. Apart from that, Annotation leasing is another way of earning money without AdSense. Following this strategy, companies can ask you to put up annotations for their videos or products on your videos.
These are small transparent boxes on the video which redirect you to tk link when you click on. Moreover, you can also make videos doubel market different products and earn for that marketing.
If you are even more of an intelligent business-oriented person, you can use your YouTube channel to advertise your side-business or products and earn passively along with the increase in the viewership for your YouTube channel. Some of the YouTube users also run a consulting business, again like the previous method, which is more of a tool to expand doublee reach and not for directly earning money.
This works if your niche is related to self-help, tech reviews, and guides. He is known as the best Prankster of Pakistan. He tops the list of Pakistani YouTubers due to his number of followers.
Nadir Ali is Karachi based. He started his YouTube journey in As a comedian and Prankster, Nadir Ali receives great respect from Monfy as well as from India. Mooroo is perhaps the most talented Pakistani YouTuber. He is a singer, a writer, a composer, a very good actor, a director, and a sketch artist as. His YouTube channel enjoys aroundSubscribers.
He is specifically famous for his vlogs and his singing talent. Mooro might not ih the highest number of subscribers in Pakistan but he has the greatest number of fans and admirers across the globe. Irfan Junejo is vouble of the most famous vloggers of Pakistan. He was the one who started this trend hoa now he is considered to be one of the best in the business.
As per the recent updates, he has a total ofSubscribers on YouTube and this number is increasing with every passing day.
His unique style of making a video, his story orientation and thought-provoking vlogs mony him stand out of the crowd. This boy from Larkana who dropped out from his university in his seventh semester has finally made his way to YouTube.
With his unique style of speaking and extremely funny sense of humor, Samo has gained paistan huge fan following in a very short period. He is famous for his roasting session called Awesamo Speaks. His video editing is also very engaging.
His pakistaan goes by the name of KhujLee Family and as per the recent updates, his channel has aroundSubscribers. She uploads food-related content.
The kitchen with Amna is a cooking channel. Amna uploads different recipes as well as cooking tips. Shahmeer Abbas is a well-known and rising YouTuber from Pakistan.
He is known for his funny content and prank videos. Shahmeer is rapidly growing on the internet with his prank videos as well as some funny dance moves.
He usually pranks random people. He got 1 Million followers in very less of the time. So these success stories of famous YouTubers from Pakistan are enough to encourage you to begin with your YouTube channel with different ideas to earn efficiently while fruitfully using the creativity while bringing into line your steps with the digital marketing opportunities coming your way.
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In a developing country like Pakistan, majority of the people are employed and earn a fixed amount of salary, to make ends meet, saving money becomes a necessity. Following are 25 ways of saving money on a small-scale as well on a large-scale while living in a country like Pakistan:. One must start from the lowest level to attain large amounts of yield and so the effort starts from the very basic organization that a salaried person needs to save a considerable amount of money. Focus on putting your saved money to paying off debt firstly so that you may later save the money going in debt and use it on your own self. Try to use less money each day and save up the extras on daily bases.
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When the daily savings add up at the end of the month, the amount is often considerably large and substantial. Appliances, extra cars, computers, books. Sort these unused things out and sell them for as much money as possible to save yourself the resent of spending money on useless items. At the end of it all, savings get the lowest importance or no importance at all, to save yourself this trouble, develop a well- organized budget. While developing a plan for your savings, first decide what are you saving for so that it may become easier for you to divide your money according to the amount you need saved and the time at which you might need the saved money. If not put aside in the very beginning, it may get used up and besides the daily savings there would be no other alternative of saved money left. This is perhaps most important for an average salaried Pakistani because a lot of psychological effort is required for saving earned money. Keep some extra money out in your budget for emergency use. If the money is not used up at the end of the month add it in your monthly savings. If you eat a 20 rupee snack daily at some point of the day, it means you spend a definite rupees every year on one particular snack, so it can be saved if required. Make yourselves healthy economical food every day to meet your financial needs instead of spending money in restaurants and canteens. Instead of spending excessive money on outstation trips, prefer vacationing in your own vicinity, spending as little as possible. Efficient utility of the in-budget necessities can be very helpful for low waged employees. No resent helps in staying positive and saving up energy for more and better work for better earning, ultimately increasing the amount of savings.
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