Alaskan king crab fishing is carried out during the fall months in the waters off the coast of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. The commercial harvest is performed during a very short season, and the catch is shipped worldwide. Large numbers of king crab are also caught in Russian and international waters. Alaskan crab fishing is very dangerous, and the fatality rate among the fishermen mmoney about 80 times the fatality rate of the average worker. It fsihing suggested that, on average, one crab fisherman dies weekly during the seasons. In Alaska, three species of king crab are caught commercially: the red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticusfound in Bristol BayNorton Soundand the Kodiak Archipelagoblue king crab Paralithodes platypus dles, St. The red king crab is the most prized of the three crb its meat. A fourth variety of king crabthe scarlet king crab Lithodes couesiis too small and rare to be commercially viable, even though its meat is considered sweet and tasty. The most popular crab-fishing why does crab fishing make so much money occur between October and January. The allocated time for a season continued to shrink — at one point a red crab season was only four days long. Aftereach boat was given a quota based on their catch from previous years and how many roes are available to catch. The fleet went from boats down to
Education Requirements
A greenhorn is the lowest man on the totem pole on a crab boat. He or she works for a season or two on the deck, helping the deckhands and performing the grunt work. We’ll cover those grunt work tasks in more detail in the next section. What’s the payoff? A successful crab boat can bring in nearly a million dollars in one trip. It’s that promise of quick cash that lures many greenhorns into the crabbing lifestyle. But it takes a while to earn those spoils. Greenhorns typically receive only half of what the regular crew members make, what the industry dubs a half-share. Crew members earn a high-share or full-share.
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Also, many greenhorns and deckhands are expected to pay up front for their equipment and food , or the cost is taken out of their cut of the haul [source: Hutton ]. Greenhorns and deckhands must also pay for their own fishing licenses. It may seem like a thankless job, but the point is this: Put in your time, and eventually you’ll get promoted to full-share deckhand or crew member. Besides the money, many greenhorns join the crab fishing industry for the challenge and the adventure. TV coverage, like the show «Deadliest Catch,» has attracted more and more people to the industry. So how does one become a greenhorn? As with most jobs — it’s often who you know more than what you know. Knowing the new hire is important — captains don’t want to wind up with a greenhorn who has a nervous breakdown mid-trip. The Alaskan Bering Sea is extremely dangerous, and a captain usually won’t take out anyone who doesn’t have deck experience and general know-how. If you’re looking for a greenhorn position, job centers in Alaska will point you in the right direction. Some of them suggest that you simply hanging around at the docks and nearby bars to let skippers and captains know you’re available for work. It’s possible to get hired as a greenhorn deckhand with no previous experience if you can convince the captain that you’ll work hard. There’s no formal crab fishing training — greenhorns learn on the job.
Resumes and CVs
Commercial fishing has long topped the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ list of jobs with the most fatalities — and crabbing in the Alaskan waters is by far the most lethal form of fishing. Thanks to new government rules, there has been only one death in the Alaskan crab fishery in the past six years — a significant improvement from the s which saw an average of 7. The industry, which was made famous by the Discovery show «Deadliest Catch,» no longer engages in «fishing derbies» where fishermen rush to fill their quotas in a few scant days. Others pushed their crews to work too long. During the derbies, some boats could pull in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of crab — half their annual wage — in a few days, while latecomers could come out with nothing. Everyone fished as fast as they could until the quota for the entire fleet was reached. Most crabbing takes place in the unforgiving Bering Sea. Ice can coat boat decks, pound cages being winched aboard can lurch and sweep workers overboard.
Education Requirements
Faced with danger every day, crab fisherman sails the seas to hunt for crab. Using special pots that weigh as much as pounds, crab fisherman work hard in a short period of time. Most crab boats carry crab pots and work during a four-month season. The work environment can be peaceful during ideal weather conditions, but can be life threatening during large storms or in violent seas. Teamwork, attention to detail and an understanding of safety at sea is essential to this career field. Unwieldy Crab pots must be filled with bait and then dropped into the ocean. Since each pot is heavy, teamwork is essential. One misstep and the results can be catastrophic. The pots are left for two days and then pulled to the deck.
Prices have also improved, he said. Florida python hunters wrestle invasive snakes. Find the best auto, life, home, health rates Enter Zip code:. These guys MUST be cashing out. When he returned to his home in Washington State, he was exhausted and battered. Crabbers, often considered doing the most dangerous job in America, earn a generous salary in a short period of time. View rates in your area. Still have questions? But «since we went to a quota-share system, the danger factor went way down. Pay for crabbers hinges on the daily yield and market prices. Cruise line: Video shows man knew window was open. Others pushed their crews to work too long. Your car is a giant computer — and it can be hacked.
What’s stopping me from moving to Alaska ASAP?
Securing a position as a crabber is competitive. You ever watch that show called » The Deadliest Catch «? Duane Chapman: It’s ‘a lot harder now without Beth’. The industry, which was made famous by the Discovery show «Deadliest Catch,» no longer engages in «fishing derbies» where fishermen rush to fill their quotas in a few scant drab. They were talking about the deckhands the son pay, and ceab he wanted to be full share. Social media onslaught after McGregor’s swift win.
Inside The Crab Processing Factory. Amazing Modern Crab Processing Line
It’s no longer the deadliest job in America. You can make enough money in three months to crwb in comfort the rest of the year. Experienced crab fishermen will tell you that you’ll either fall in love with or run like hell from this dirty, freezing endurance contest called crab fishing. On a good day, you might make the equivalent of a first-year CEO’s salary, although you do have to split that with the rest of cran crew.
Deadly Derby Days
You don’t get an actual salary. You get a share of the catch, based on your experience and effort. Potential profits from crab ,uch depended on the derby system until The Alaska Department of Fish and Game would set the season’s total crab quota and the start date.
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