Influence is the only form of currency in State of Decay 2, and you’re going to be using it in various ways to fortify your base camp. In this State of Decay 2 Influence guidewe’ll be walking you through every way you can spend your Influeuce, including how to earn Influence quickly in State of Decay 2and much. Other than that, always keep a lookout for Plague Hearts and Infestation points on the map. One of the primary uses of Influence is to purchases Outposts around the map, which can then become a sort of supply chain of resources for your main home base. This lets you stxte the benefits of claiming this building as an Outpost for your survivors, and the benefits can include a steady claim of resources such as food and building materials, a permanent safe area for your character, and a Supply Locker for you to deposit items. Each building varies in Influence cost however, so you might find yourself having to save upwards of Influence to purchase the decayy valuable buildings as Outposts. Fo brings us to the end of our State of Decay 2 guide on how to earn and spend Influence, but continue ahead to our additional guides on the game, including our State of Decay 2 Blood Plague guideor our full State of Decay 2 vehicles guide. Hirun Cryer is by far the most juvenile member of USgamer. He’s so juvenile, that this is his first full-time job in the industry, unlike literally every other person featured on this page. He’s written for The Guardian, Paste Magazine, and Kotaku, and he likes waking up when the sun rises and roaming the nearby woods with the bears and the wolves.
State of Decay 2 tips for your community, base and morale
New to Shacknews? Signup for a Free Account. The most valuable resource in State of Decay 2 is influence, so amassing large sums of it is a good idea. Money is no good in a zombie apocalypse, which is why the only form of currency that matters in State of Decay 2 is Influence Points. Trading with other survivors, calling in help, and claiming an outpost all require influence, so knowing the best way to earn more influence is going to be important. Nearly everything a player does in State of Decay 2 is rewarded with influence. However, a lot of tasks require large sums of influence points, so getting as many as possible, as fast as possible, is essential to keeping everyone alive, especially as resources dwindle. For instance, some of the later bases cost thousands of influence points to unlock, as does claiming outposts. There are a few main ways to earn more influence:. The natural instinct when moving around State of Decay 2 is to avoid fighting zombies wherever possible, but when in a car, make a point of running over zombies. Whenever you kill enough zombies, a small sum of influence points are awarded, and though this takes a while to happen when fighting in hand-to-hand combat, it can quickly accrue when mowing zombies down in a vehicle.
State of Decay 2 Resources
Taking the time to completely loot a building is also important, not just for the items and ammo, but for the rucksacks. But for those who are after influence, delivering a rucksack to the home base awards a few influence points. Another means of gaining more influence is to trade with the survivors that radio in asking for assistance or to barter. These wandering survivors are more than happy to buy any items you might scavenge up. If Gracie is one of the survivors selected at the beginning, she has a quest that tasks you with finding luxury items, which can be traded for greater amounts of influence. Finally, one of the best ways to earn more influence is to complete missions and quests. Completing these missions will award large amounts of influence which is useful for making purchases and claiming outposts. These missions are also important because they help level up survivors, an essential step in choosing a leader for the community. It might start off slow, but as more progress is made through State of Decay 2, it will become easier to earn influence points. Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler is relatively new to the industry, getting his start a few years ago as a writer-for-hire. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and finding his feet, he’s found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor.
How To Earn Influence Points Fast
Unlimited Food Cheat/Hack
It is also good to limit the equipment that survivors take with them to a minimum so that they have more capacity in their backpacks. Because it seems like standard food, be sure NOT to deposit it at your own base, as this will screw up the quest. Recommended Death Stranding review: a baffling, haunting, grand folly. State of Decay 2 Resources There are various different resources and they are found at different places in State of Decay 2. Thanks for taking part! Let us know if we missed something using the comments section below! A lot of it will be familiar to original State of Decay players, but some things have changed nonetheless. BioShock Switch ports listed by Taiwanese ratings board. Comments 0 Comments for this article are now closed. The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time.
How to Earn More Influence Points
One group of survivors in particular will have you go out on a rather annoying series of fetch quests, but once that’s out of the way, you can use them quixk potentially get an unlimited supply of food and molotovs! Have any other tips on getting lots of resources quickly without much effort? Let us know if we missed something using the comments section below! Before you head out into the wild in search of resources, it is best to have a backpack that has enough capacity to store a good amount of resources. BioShock Switch ports listed by Taiwanese ratings board. The wheat sack is also available for pick up before this section of the quest starts, which can completely nerf the whole quest line as. It is best to kill the enemies first and then break in. If you accidentally grabbed the wheat before meeting the survivors, return the rucksack statd to the original location where you picked it up at decaj barn.
State of Decay 2 has arrived, with all of its lovely gore and base-building antics returning with it. A lot of it will be familiar to original State of Decay players, but some things have changed nonetheless.
Here, well run through some choice State of Drcay 2 tips auick beginners and returning pros, as part of our main Decya of Decay 2 guide hub on this page. If you’re out for more specific help though, we recommend taking a look at our gate to State of Decay 2 home bases and the best bases in the Foothills, Valley and Plateau regionstoo! Oof we include links to how to make quick money in state of decay 2 retail stores.
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State of Decay 2 tips for looting, fighting and exploring
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State of Decay 2 Influence Points Guide
In State of Decay 2, you will be using Influence Points as the default in-game currency to buy things. Now making Influence Points is not that complicated but a pretty good amount is required to unlock new bases, to get new weapons, trading, and to use radio services. Influence Points also contribute to your progress in the game. In short your success in State ot Decay 2 relies on earning maximum Influence Points. In this guide, you can find some useful tips on earning Influence Points fast. Below are some instant things you can try out in State of Decay 2 to earn Influence money fast. Each of these activates will reward you some influence in the end. Plague Hearts can be located through radio communication, you can see the marker on the map. There will be a lot of zombies around so carry a distraction like a firecracker to lure the zombies and then focus on the heart. You can use heavy guns or explosives.
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