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Easy money for alch.
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Asked by -Propellent-. My magic level is currently 36 and I want to get that up but I also don’t want to lose money. I decided to do alchemy but I can only do low level alchemy, can I gain money from it? There’s probably some items out there that you profit with a bit but low alchemy is a horrible way to train and you definitely have the means for something else since you have 94 cooking. If I remember right, low alchelmy is amount of gold you’d get from a general shop, so you’re not really making the most out of your money when you could just sell on the GE. I guess that’s the best you could hope for. Anyway, even high alching doesn’t make good money in freeplay as far as I’m concerned , so the chances of getting profit from low alching is very, very slim.
The best item I’ve found for f2p is green d’hide bodies. Items from the skills above and crafting are great high alch targets. High alchemy sucks. Asked in RuneScape What is a good item to high alch? Asked in Bonds and Treasuries Why you should sell and buy government bond? Asked in RuneScape Rune scape do you make a profit when you high-alch black daggers? You could also control the economy and possible make more. Do you plan to file an Equifax breach claim? Asked in Donkeys and Mules Why should you have donkeys? Singer falls silent, dies during live performance.
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They cost much more in the grand exchange. You can sign in to vote the answer. May vary by server, but as an alch with very little time to play, a great way to make money is by selling earthstorm diamonds. A great thing to high alch is a magic longbow. Thottbot World of Warcraft: Earthstorm Diamond :banghead:. Student found dead at Stanford University fraternity. Do you plan to file an Equifax breach claim? Get your answers by asking. All Rights Reserved. Anyone or any group that has money coming in and lach going .
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Join Now. Follow us:. Thread: Easy money for alch. Results 1 to 11 of Thread Tools Show Printable Version. Easy money for alch. May vary by server, but as an alch with very little time to play, a great way to make money is by selling earthstorm diamonds. Last edited by shortycd; at PM.
Reason: forgot to put. Originally Posted by shortycd. Originally Posted by Killahand. On my server Primal Earth is about 18g Each so I assume you do this only if the primal price is low on your server. Originally Posted by Hivh. U need 2 Primal Waters to make a Earthstorm Diamond. Thottbot World of Warcraft: Earthstorm Diamond :banghead:. You could also control the economy and possible make. I have 1 suggestion about the Apocalypse’s idea. Doing this with my Deviate Scale Belt guide. Will def try this mondy Replies: 15 Last Post:PM.
Replies: 14 Last Post:AM. Replies: 3 Last Post:AM. Replies: 7 Last Post:PM. Replies: 18 Last Post:High alch make money.
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Discussion in ‘ General Discussion ‘ started by ExcahJul 17, Oldschool RuneScape Flip Chart requires an account to use. Please register and account to access all of our features by clicking. Not losing money while alching? As the title says, I’m not talking about alching for profit like on high alch make money alch page in rs2 you use to be able to alch yew longbows u or something like that to not lose much money, I don’t like losing like gp per alch, you guys aware of any items you’d be willing to tell me? I think green d’hide bodies are really good to alch, but if im right the GE limit is bodies per 4 hours so yeh. The more expensive items usually get you the best margins. Honestly i assumed alching never gave a profit and if it did it was not enough to make much money where it would be worth doing.
I bought and Alched rune items a while ago, good profit, but if you don’t wanna go for profit and instead just go for not losing money then various types of bow are the best bet.
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