Animal Crossing Table of Contents Walkthrough. A player’s first mission in any Animal Crossing town is to pay off mortgages totaling over a million bells the currency. The player starts out with bells. Luckily, cash is abundant, and a determined player can make up tobells per week. Shaking a tree other than a fruit tree can produce furniture for your house or a bag of bells, but it can also produce bees, which at this stage of the game must be repelled by entering a building. He will offer bells per fruit, and the produce from four trees should give enough money for a shovel, which allows planting fruit in the ground and digging up fossils, and a fishing rod, which allows catching fish. Use the shovel to dig around for a while and discover that the ground is made of a grid of cells. The town is divided into 30 «acres»each of 16 by 16 cells. Now you should be ready to start an orchard. Using the shovel to bury a fruit in the ground results in a sapling. After five nights, as long as the sapling was not planted in an infertile cell e.
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Want to join the fun? Log in or sign up. Trouble logging in? Contact our support email for assistance. Song Guide. All rights reserved. Animal Crossing and Nintendo are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America. Current Jackpot:. User N ame Lookup:. There are many ways you can make bells in Animal Crossing. The best thing about the game is that if you don’t want to make bells a certain way, you don’t have to! This guide will outline some of the most popular ways to make bells, and how ACC can help.
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Contents: Sell foreign fruit, que? Hunt for bugs. Find fossils — up to three a day!
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Deadly avalanche strikes California ski resort. And his buying price is ridiculously low. Fired Cowboys coach reportedly lands a new job. New trees will always grow in the spot of a preexisting tree. No other tree will grow on the coastline. This is untrue.
Nearly every night between midnight and am, a ghost called Wisp will be somewhere in your town. First money, now shovels?? Categories :. Eventually, Mr. SinceCheatCodes. Next, dig a hole and bury any type of bell bag. Put every fruit on the island. Tom Nook will buy native fruit for Bells at his storeand fruit which isn’t native to a town sells for Bells.
For information about the game, click. Each Animal Crossing town comes with a native fruit which grows on trees. Tom Nook will buy native fruit for Bells at his storeand fruit which isn’t native to a town sells for Bells.
An easy way to make a tree fully grow is to chop down an existing tree, uproot the stump, then plant the desired fruit. This also works for money trees. As long as no other tree is planted too close to the tree, this will eventually grow into a new tree. Coconut trees and fruit cannot be native to any town in the Animal Crossing seriesand they grow differently to other trees. Coconuts must be planted on the bottom edge of an acre, although they are rumored only to be grown on the coastline, where the sand meets the grass or dirt.
No other tree will grow on the coastline. The Money Tree is a special tree that can be grown in Animal Crossing. A money tree can be planted using the golden shovel. If the tree grows due to a limited chance of growthit will produce three times the amount of Bells buried e. The money tree only blooms. After this, it will remain a non-fruit bearing tree. You CAN’T use any other shovel than the gold one or nothing will grow. Make sure to buy one of each tool at Tom Nook’s Store when it is possible to do so.
A fishing pole can be used to catch fisha net can be used to catch bugs and a shovel can be used to find fossilswhich are marked on the ground. These three hobbies are the best way to gain Bells by selling them to Tom Nook and can be used to enlarge the collection at Faraway Museum. Fish arguably make the most income, due to there being a wider variety during each season, but insects can make a good income during the Summer months and Fossil Hunting can be done daily and usually bring in over a thousand Bells per fossil.
There are two types of tools; regular and golden. Golden tools work the same way as their regular counterparts, but make an easier job of what they. However, Golden Tools need to be earned and are not always easy to obtain. There are also silver tools, the axe can be obtained from the fountain, and some can be found in the tool section of Nook’s store. To obtain a Golden Shovel, plant a regular shovel in a daily light spot. A tree will grow and upon shaking it, a Golden Shovel will fall.
A Golden Shovel can ocasionally dig up bells from the earth, via Bell Hopping. To obtain a Golden Fishing Rod, a player must catch one of each fish available in the game.
Once they’ve achieved this, a Golden Fishing Rod will be given to them in the mail. The Golden Fishing Rod makes it easier to catch fish, reducing the likelihood of a fish getting away.
To obtain a Golden Net, once of each bug in the game must be caught. Once this has been achieved, a Golden Net will be sent to the player in the mail. The Golden Net makes it easier to catch insects, by having a larger catchment area therefore insects can be caught from more of a distance. To obtain a Golden Axe, you have to maintain a perfect town for two weeks in a row. Then, talk to the the wishing well and it will give you the golden axe.
The golden axe never breaks and can chop down trees faster. Events are a useful way to gain furnitureeither to sell or make up collections. The majority of special events allow the player to collect special event related furniture which cannot be obtained anywhere.
On Christmas Eve, when Jingle visits, there is a way to get as many presents from him as possible. Below is a step by step guides:. There are three secret songs in Animal Crossing that Totakeke won’t play unless you request.
They are:. Nearly every night between midnight and am, a ghost called Wisp will be somewhere in your town. To make a wish, He will ask you to find five spirits around town. When you find the five spirits, you can make a wish. After doing so he will offer you an item, paint your roof or remove all the weeds in your village. If you start a game after resetting the GameCube during play, Mr. Resetti will appear to complain.
Repeatedly reset the GameCube to make him more and more angry. Eventually, Mr. Resetti’s brother Don will appear to take the place of Mr. This is what happens corresponding with the number of times you reset:.
Every New Year, your parents will send you a gift of 10, bells. Set the clock to a different year after saving, of course and you will get another bag with 10, bells. Are you familiar with the ancient art of Feng-Shui? It’s all about how you arrange your furniture in your house. Sign In Don’t have an account?
Start a Wiki. This page is currently pending deletion for the following reason: Reason: pending rewrite. Contents [ show ]. Main articles: Tree and Fruit. Main article: Money Tree. Main article: Money Rock. Main article: Fishing Rod. This article is a stub. You can help Animal Crossing Wiki by expanding it. Categories :. This page is currently under construction.
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How do you make money? If you’re croswing to school or college right now, this frossing probably one of the many questions that are coming up every day. Sorry, folks. Bad news. Unless maling happen to invent the next Razor Scooter, the same question will probably continue to hound you for the rest of your life. And what applies to life, applies to Animal Crossing.
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Luckily, there are no dotcom crashes or evil bosses in this game. You will never have to file for bankruptcy or be sued by nasty British crssing houses. But you still need money. There are many ways to rake in the dough in Animal Crossing, but unlike in real life, they all revolve around communication and nature. Animal Crossing’s currency is called the Bell. There are really no limits as to how much money you can have — but there is a limit to how much you can carry. Once your pockets are annimal at 99, Bellsmoney is put into bags, which you can carry around, store in your house or bury at a secret location. Of course, if you happen to play the game with more than one player, you may want to make arrangements so that the other player doesn’t swipe your hard-earned cash. A much better solution to keeping your money is to attach bags of cash to letters, which you can even store at the post office.
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