The Money Advantage provides simple, fun, and doable financial talk that helps you build financial freedom with cash flow strategies, Infinite Banking, and alternative investments. We help entrepreneurially-minded wealth creators find and fix money leaks and leverage alternative savings strategies so they have more to invest, without working harder or sacrificing their lifestyle. Through our family office model, we utilize strategies for cash flow, long-term tax reduction, estate and business legal planning, creative whole life insurance strategies Privatized Ykur and alternative investments. Listen on Apple Podcasts. The next yyour time is NOW!!! Priceless information to add to your financial education and an amazing group of people to work .
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To succeed in real estate, you need the right mindset. If you have that, everything else will eventually fall into place. Hank Seitz, a behavioral psychologist, appeared on Real Estate Rockstars to share his simple three-step system for honing the right mindset and manifesting success. Below, you can listen to the complete podcast with Dr. If you want more good clients, you have to spend more time thinking about them. Form a clear picture in your mind of the clients you desire and revisit it frequently throughout the day. Fortunately, Dr Seitz has a simple, effective alternative: monitor your feelings. By observing your mood throughout the day, you can take effective steps toward improving it and staying positive. After a negative experience with a client, for instance, acknowledge your feelings. By attempting to ignore or suppress negative emotions, you actually dwell on them longer, which is bad for your mental health and will undoubtedly hurt your chances of manifesting success. The last step is what really counts, and it also happens to be the easiest of the three to tackle. According to Dr.
Did you get it?
Seitz, maintaining the right mindset and putting that positive energy out into the universe is enough to manifest your desire to succeed in real estate. Try it yourself and see what happens. At the very least, your outlook will change for the better, and that alone can make a huge difference. Hank: A Path to Feeling Good. In this book, Dr. Enter any discussion keyword, name or episode to find podcasts that match!! Do you know what it is? Step 3: Manifest Success The last step is what really counts, and it also happens to be the easiest of the three to tackle. Download Encouragement from Dr.
1. The Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
Is one of your goals to become a real estate millionaire? Do you have a plan, a road-map, for making a million dollars in real estate? You can achieve your goal of becoming a real estate millionaire if you follow the 3 success steps outlined by millionaire real estate coach JV Crum III in this blog post. If you missed this awesome podcast with JV Crum III, who became a self-made entrepreneur millionaire in his twenties, then you need to make sure to listen to it now. JV is an expert at bringing salespeople to their highest level — helping real estate agents sell more houses, make more commissions , and become real estate millionaires. He dives deep into how you can make a million dollars or take your million-dollar real estate business to multi-million dollar levels in a recent podcast.
3 Success Factors to Become a Real Estate Millionaire
This post may contain affiliate links which allow us to earn a small commission on the products and services we use and recommend. Podcasts are a genius tool for real estate agents! They offer a convenient means of professional growth and development. You can listen while driving to the office, catching a bite between appointments, or hitting the treadmill.
The Money Saving Mindsets
Take a deep breath, take a couple moments to think about WHY you want that thing. Views Read Edit View history. Page Flip: Enabled. A must-read! Money Tips. Ring Smart Home Security Systems. Easier said than done, right?
2. Pat Hiban’s Real Estate Rockstar Radio
When this happens, your knee-jerk reaction may be to catch up, to buy your maikng to equal footing. Customer reviews. Daniel James Lesniak. I will recommend this book to new real estate agents. He shares his experience in learning and copying indirect competitor marketing tactics, then successfully deploys them in his own geographic market area that have worked well in non-competing areas. Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. Know what you want, what you like, and be uncompromising.
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To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Your 7-figure real estate income is 6 hibwn steps away. Pat Hiban is not a career author who writes theoretically about building wealth—he’s a working real estate professional who has compiled two decades’ worth of invaluable experience into this manual, which combines motivational success strategies with practical tips for flourishing in real estate.
Read more Read. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Daniel James Lesniak. David Osborn.
Hal Elrod. Tribe of Millionaires: What if one choice could change everything? Michael J. Kevin Ward. Editorial Reviews From the Author As I left the tour of a friend of mine who tups from kidney cancer I had a vision of pta barrel of monkeys.
Remember the little plastic monkeys that you hang from each otherarm to arm? My friend was a public high school football coach. The church was full of young men he had mentored. One by one they stood up and gave eulogies of what Coach Ken had taught. Coach Ken was immortal. Hundreds of mentees would spread his beliefs and values to their younger brothers, their own children and to tipw the employees they ever manage in their long lifetimes. I realized that although I could count over 65 mentors in my 25 years of Real Estate salesI had very little mentees.
I saw myself as a plastic monkey from the barrel who had many monkeys pulling him up but none below that he was lifting up. Writing a book for me was the fastest and most efficient way for me to build more plastic monkeys below me than existed above me. It was a way to build mentees. It was a way to share with the younger generation of today’s real estate agents what 65 other real estate mentors shared with me and then mix it up with all par my real life stories of what went right and what went tops in my long and prosperous career on the front lines of the residential real estate game.
I’ve always been fascinated by agents who set goals and then think that miraculously they will come true. Of course most never do come true. My hope is this book is used as makinb road map to get you from the point of setting a goal makung the way to the point of achieving that goal. I believe it is a clear description of the majing and the trails that take you from here to there and when followed equal ultimate success. I can’t see why anyone serious about making it naking the real estate business would not read this book.
Pat Hiban offers a step-by-step approach to take your business to the next benchmark. His game plan will help you build your business to I have made it a must-read for all of our coaches and clients! Thanks for sharing your pain, successes, and family values!
A must-read! See all Editorial Reviews. Not Enabled. Customer reviews. Customer images. See hibann customer images.
Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right. Please try again later. Format: Paperback Verified Purchase. Listeners to the Podcast will know that Pat has the ability to quickly get to the point and he politely guides his guests into doing the.
Prior to the youe, I had never wwith of Pat primarily because I live on the west coast and I am relatively new to the world of real estate sales. His honest, no-bullshit approach is very refreshing. He shares both positive and negative information freely. It is well structured in a very helpful and thoughtful manner, which enables the reader to return to each respective Chapter for a quick run-down of all the critical actions and mmoney high points.
Pat tlps provided an honest look at his business management practices as well as jiban of the best marketing ideas he has deployed over the years. This book also provides helpful advice on Team building and structure considerations, including the conception and deployment of incentivizing strategies for the entire office including support staff.
Despite his rise from humble beginnings, Pat freely shares his marketing philosophies and tactics that have made him extremely successful. Successful Mentorship both Mentee and Mentor relationships are also addressed. He shares his experience in learning and copying indirect competitor marketing tactics, then successfully deploys them in his own geographic market area that have worked well in non-competing areas.
My favorite example is the postcard featuring his two daughters, which is included in makjng book but there are also many other good ones. While I am not a financial novice, I appreciated the fact that the Pat included this type of information because he is able to deliver it with great brevity and clarity. This book is very unique and contains great quality content which is original. I came away with a great impression of Pat as a successful real estate entrepreneur.
This book is also very well edited, and while I was reading it, I would find it difficult to take a break. In other words, it just flows. In the body of the work, Pat mentions that the original manuscript was makinb as long but was substantially reduced.
Overall It is a truly excellent book. Bravo Pat! Disclaimer: I am a new student of real estate presently studying for my license in the state of California. I am 3 tips for making money with your mindset pat hiban even a rookie yet and about as far away from being a seasoned professional as you can.
I will be taking my state exam in about 6 weeks. However, in preparation for my new career in residential real estate, I have aspirations to become a top listing agent I have literally been reading every good quality book I can get my hands. Mojey addition to the normal process of studying from my exams, I took the unusual step to read as many books as I could get my hands on during the last 12 months.
The book is simple to read and is broken down to seven chapters filled with actionable steps. I love the stories, illustrations of the book because it kept the book simple and not too complicated to read and comprehend. This book maaking comparable to The Millionaire real estate agent by Makibg Keller. The only difference is that this book is MUCH shorter and easier to read. I will recommend this book to new real estate agents.
As a new agent I have found Mr Hiban book to be the best book I have read. I will be following his steps closely and using the steps as foundation for my business.
He also adds value in personal development that can be applied to any profession. Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Hi Pat- I love your book and love how you dig into the details kindset creating an amazing minrset. I have the utmost respect for you as a person and moneu businessman and see you as a role model and mentor.
I highly recommend your book for anyone who I looking to level up in life, personally and financially. You inspire me to aim for the stars It’s not going to make you rich Great book. It’s not going to make you rich over night and you may never reach a 7 figure income following what he says. But it will definitely improve your thinking and business. Which will lead to an increase in volume. This book is filled with practical advice and encouragement and I love Pat’s honesty and hibann sharing his outlook on life with us as.
There are 82 customer reviews and 83 customer ratings. See all 82 customer reviews. Write a customer review. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? Ron Howard. Principles: Life mihdset Work. Ray Dalio.
Katherine Scarim. The Millionaire Real Estate Investor.
Your Brain Helps You Save
As a residential agent, Pat Hiban sold over 6, residential homes, earning the title of Billion Dollar Agent. Pat Hiban is a business owner who has created a life and business he loves. Witb these steps in place requires the right mindset. Through this conversation, you have the opportunity to learn from his journey, model the successful few, and accelerate your success. Podcast: Play in new window Download Duration: — As important as your mindset, your business success, and your investing strategy are, they are part of the bigger picture of building time and makiing freedom.
Customer Reviews
We do this through tax planning, debt restructuring, cash flow awareness, and alternative savings strategies. This step frees up and increases your cash flow, so you have more to invest. Then, we help you protect your money with insurance, legal protection, and privatized banking. You increase your cash flow by investing in cash-flowing assets like your business and real estate to financial freedom 3 tips for making money with your mindset pat hiban leave a rich legacy. After college, Pat jumped into the sales industry with the least barrier to entry — Real Estate!!! For fo last 30 years, Pat has been heavily involved in the Real Estate industry as a top agent, broker, and investor in residential and commercial properties. Throughout his career, he has sold over one billion dollars in Real Estate, including over homes in a single year, and 14 homes in a single day. With the help of an introduction written personally by Gary Keller, the book went on to sell over 20, copies, hitting 6 on the New York Times Best Seller list and 1 on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. InPat Hiban launched his podcast Real Estate Rockstars, which has had close to 3 million unique downloads by Real Estate Agents from countries.
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